The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center is a partnership between the US Geological Survey, the University of Colorado Boulder and five other consortium partners. The NC CASC fosters innovative and applied research in support of Tribal, federal, state, and local natural resource management and decision-making. The North Central center is one of nine regional climate centers in the national CASC network created to help meet the changing needs of land and resource managers across the country. It serves Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska. 


Announcement, Webinar

Webinar Now Available Online

The Sagebrush Conservation Design (SCD) is a tool to identify intact sagebrush areas and address the largest threats to the ecosystem. The SCD focuses on first protecting intact and functioning sagebrush ecosystems, called Core Sagebrush Areas, then works outward toward more degraded areas (i.e., “Defend the Core”).
Science Spotlight

Understanding CMIP6: Key Insights and Implications for Climate Modeling

The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC) provides climate science support for resource managers, researchers, and stakeholders navigating climate-related challenges. As part of this effort, we offer resources and expertise to help interpret and apply climate data to decision-making.
Science Byte, Webinar

Upcoming Webinar: Assessing the Future of Sagebrush Ecosystems to Inform Climate Adaptation

Join the NC CASC on April 10 at 11am MT to learn about future changes in sagebrush ecosystems and current climate adaptation efforts!