NCA5 Key Messages Tool

The NCA5, or Fifth National Climate Assessment, is part of the Congressionally-mandated National Climate Assessment series that is released approximately every four years by the US Global Change Research Program. These reports bring together teams of professionals to synthesize knowledge about current and projected trends in global climate change to provide an authoritative source on the state of climate knowledge in the US. 


According to the US Global Change Research Program: 


“The findings in [the NCA5] are based on a comprehensive review and assessment of information sources determined to meet the standards and documentation required under the Information Quality Act and the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, including peer-reviewed literature, other literature, Indigenous Knowledge, other expert and local knowledge, and climate data processed and prepared by NOAA’s Technical Support Unit… [The] NCA5 was thoroughly reviewed by Federal Government experts, external experts, and the public multiple times throughout the report development process. An expert external review was performed by an ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.”


For more information, see NCA5 Appendix 1: Assessment Development ProcessAppendix 2: Information Quality; and Appendix 3: Scenarios and Datasets.



The NCA5 consists of the following sections

  • Overview
  • Physical Science Chapters
  • National Topic Chapters
  • Regional Chapters
  • Response Chapters
  • Focus on… Features
  • Appendices
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Artwork and Gallery

These chapters are further broken down into a series of Key Messages, which are the takeaway points of each chapter; these statements summarize the current and projected state of the topic in question and discuss their significance for future climate. Each Key Message is followed by a measure of confidence, which is determined by the “type, amount, quality, strength, and consistency of evidence” as well as the consistency and ability of methods to evaluate this evidence (NCA5: Front Matter). Many Key Messages are also given a measure of likelihood, which measures the degree of certainty based on statistical analysis of “observed or projected results or on the authors’ expert judgment” (NCA5: Front Matter). 


For example, this table could be interpreted as follows: 


Key Message




KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



...increases in hail frequency and size...




Very Likely


...and wildfire.




Based on this information, the Northern Great Plains is likely to experience severe droughts and wildfire and the authors have high confidence in this projection based on data and literature reviews; the Northern Great Plains region will be very likely to experience extreme floods, and the authors have high confidence in this projection as well. Meanwhile, authors could not determine a measure of likelihood for increases in hail frequency and size, but based on available data, they have medium confidence that this projection is accurate. 


The NCA5 Key Messages Tool, created as part of the NC CASC’s 2024 Rapid Climate Assessment Program (RCAP), aims to summarize the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5) for each state in the NC CASC region as it relates to four topics: Water, Precipitation, and Drought; Agriculture and Land Use; and Communities and Management. 

  • Water, Precipitation, and Drought: This section discusses water as a resource as well as climate-driven changes in precipitation and resulting events, such as drought. 

  • Agriculture and Land Use: This section discusses agriculture in each region, in addition to climate-driven impacts on agriculture and land-based industries. 

  • Communities and Management: This section synthesizes information on a region's communities that are at disproportionate risk of climate change and/or leading efforts to mitigate impacts from climate change. It also discusses regional management and strategies for a variety of climate-related challenges. 



The tool output synthesizes information from the following chapters - when applicable to the state and topic in question - to provide a summary of relevant NCA5 data and projections: 

  • Chapter 4: Water
  • Chapter 7: Forests
  • Chapter 8: Ecosystems
  • Chapter 11: Agriculture 
  • Chapter 16: Indigenous Peoples
  • Chapter 25: Northern Great Plains
  • Chapter 26: Southern Great Plains
  • Chapter 28: Southwest


Note: Key Messages quoted in output tables are direct quotes from the NCA5, while other summary content may be paraphrased; sources can be found in parentheses at the end of the sentence in all cases. 


Colorado - Communities and Management



According to the NCA5, Colorado is part of the Southwest region. 

Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southwest related to Communities and Management. 


Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







Ch4: Water

KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

Very Likely


Drought impacts are also increasing...


Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

Very Likely


KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

Very Likely


Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



Ch7: Forests

KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



...provide clean water and clean air...



...produce timber and non-timber products...



...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

Very Likely


These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

Very Likely


Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

Very Likely


Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

Very Likely


Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

Very Likely


KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

Very Likely


Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

Very Likely


Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



Ch11: Agriculture

KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


Very High

...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


Very High

Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


Very High

KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


Very High

However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


Very High

Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


Very High

KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



Ch28: Southwest

KM28.1: Drought and Aridity Threaten Water Resources

Climate change has reduced surface water and groundwater availability for people and nature in the Southwest…


Very High

...and there are inequities in how these impacts are experienced.



Higher temperatures have intensified drought and will lead to a more arid future;

Very Likely


without adaptation, these changes will exacerbate existing water supply-demand imbalances.



At the same time, the region is experiencing more intense precipitation events, including atmospheric rivers, which contribute to increased flooding.



Flexible and adaptive approaches to water management have the potential to mitigate the impacts of these changes on people, the environment, and the economy.



KM28.3: Increasing Challenges Confront Food and Fiber Production in the Southwest

Continuing drought and water scarcity will make it more difficult to raise food and fiber in the Southwest without major shifts to new strategies and technologies.



Extreme heat events will increase animal stress and reduce crop quality and yield, thereby resulting in widespread economic impacts.



Because people in the Southwest have adapted to drought impacts for millennia, incorporating Indigenous Knowledge with technological innovation can offer solutions to protect food security and sovereignty.



KM28.4: Climate Change Compromises Human Health and Reshapes Demographics

Increases in extreme heat, drought, flooding, and wildfire activity are negatively impacting the physical health of Southwest residents.



Climate change is also shaping the demographics of the region by spurring the migration of people from Central America to the Southwest.



Individuals particularly vulnerable to increasing climate change impacts include older adults, outdoor workers, and people with low income.



Local, state, and federal adaptation initiatives are working to respond to these impacts.



KM28.5: Changes in Wildfire Patterns Pose Challenges for Southwest Residents and Ecosystems

High-severity wildfires are expected to continue in coming years, placing the people, economies, ecosystems, and water resources of the region at considerable risk.

Very Likely


Opportunities for adaptation include pre- and postfire actions that reduce wildfire risk and facilitate ecosystem restoration and include traditional land stewardship practices…



...and the application of Indigenous cultural fire.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2).

  • “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).



    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 

  • Wildfires, which are a natural part of the Southwestern ecosystem, are becoming more frequent and more severe (23). This has resulted in increasingly severe property damage and risk to human lives (23). Communities in the Southwest have a variety of “exposure to wildfire risk and capacity to adapt,” making some more vulnerable to wildfires than others (23). 
  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 


    “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). In addition, “intensified aridity from higher temperatures and drought is expected to lead to more dust storms,” which will further increase respiratory illnesses (22). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13, 22). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). In addition to extreme heat, high ozone days are also projected to “increase heat and air-pollution exposure, illness, and premature death” (22). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities“health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 

    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 


  • “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 


  • “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


  • “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9). 

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 

  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 


  • “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (20). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (20).
  • Kansas - Communities and Management

    According to the NCA5, Kansas is part of the Southern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 




    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends








    Ch4: WaterKM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage. 

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: ForestsKM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and BiodiversityKM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: AgricultureKM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous PeoplesKM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch26: Southern Great PlainsKM26.1: How We Live: Climate Change is Degrading Lands, Waters, Culture, and Health

    Climate change is beginning to alter how we live in the Southern Great Plains, putting us at risk from climate hazards that degrade our lands and waters, quality of life, health and well-being, and cultural interconnectedness. 



    Many climate hazards are expected to become more frequent, intense, or prolonged; to broaden in spatial extent; and to result in more people experiencing costly, deadly, or stressful climate-related conditions.

    Very Likely


    To address the growing risk, effective climate-resilient actions include implementing nature-based solutions; valuing Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledges; and infusing climate change solutions into community planning. 



    KM26.2: How We Work: Climate Changes Are Creating Economic Challenges and Opportunities

    As climate conditions change, businesses and industries across the Southern Great Plains are experiencing disruptions and losses in productivity and profits – but also new economic opportunities.



    In coming decades, warmer temperatures, more erratic precipitation, and sea level rise are expected to force widespread and costly changes in how we work. 

    Very Likely


    Businesses and industries have opportunities to harness their diverse knowledge, resources, and workers to develop products and services in climate mitigation technologies, adaptation strategies, and resilient design that will enhance the region’s economy. 



    KM26.3: How We Play: Climate Extremes Are Endangering Sports, Recreation, and Leisure

    Extreme climate-related events are negatively influencing how we play and participate in outdoor sport, recreation, and physical activities in the Southern Great Plains. 


    Very High

    Climate change is expected to increase heat-related illness and death, reduce outdoor physical activity, and decrease athletic performance. 

    Very Likely


    Individuals, communities, and sports organizations can adapt to these hazards through strategies such as modifying the timing, location, intensity, or monitoring of activities. 



    KM26.4: How We Heal: Climate Change is Exacerbating Existing Social and Environmental Disputes

    Some neighborhoods and communities in the Southern Great Plains are suffering disproportionately from climate-related hazards because of long-standing marginalization, discrimination, and governmental policies. 


    Very High

    As a result, climate change will compound existing social and environmental burdens on the people, neighborhoods, and communities with the fewest resources to prepare and adapt. 


    Very High

    Our institutions and governments can play a role in improving outcomes for these people and places by adopting climate adaptation and hazard-mitigation practices and policies that prioritize social equity and justice, aim to reduce community risks, build resilience, and repair past injustices. 



    KM26.5: How We Serve: Climate Change is Straining Public Infrastructure and Services

    The institutions that serve our communities have been challenged to respond and adapt to more frequent and intense weather events. 



    Without significant adaptation, climate change is expected to strain water supplies, transportation infrastructure, and emergency services across the Southern Great Plains. 



    Actions that can enhance our community resilience include substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions, installing or retrofitting climate-resilient infrastructure, educating students and the public on climate change, and cultivating the capacity of faith- and volunteer-based aid organizations to assist hazard planning, response, and recovery.




    The Southern Great Plains is known for its “food, fiber, and energy production, in addition to recreational activities”; however, climate change impacts have “harmed all communities, damaging infrastructure and agricultural production, disruption commerce and price stability, and amplifying social inequities” (19). 



  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). In the Southern Great Plains, sources of “reliable, safe, and abundant surface water and groundwater… are at risk from increasing air and water temperatures, more frequent and severe drought, more intense rainfall events, and changes in rainfall frequency and timing” (24). 
  • Additionally, “transportation infrastructure - much of which is aging and in significant need of repair - has been damaged by extreme weather events associated with climate change” (24). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Furthermore, the increase in average annual temperatures and the projected increase in extreme-heat days is detrimental to recreation and athletics; the “perceived discomfort” of children and young athletes while active outdoors has been affected by these changes (22). These impacts are often worse among non-white and lower-income families (22). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10, 21). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Southern Great Plains has experienced a drastic shift in energy production from fossil fuels to renewables; the region accounts for 42% of all wind-generated electricity in the United States (21). However, parts of the Southern Great Plains are still dependent on fossil fuels for “energy demand and [for] supporting towns through local employment and tax revenues”; In 2020, Texas had the highest emissions of carbon dioxide and methane across the country (21). Natural gas production has also led to increased methane emissions, as natural gas operations - specifically in the “Permian Basin - leak the largest amount of methane per year from any US gas-producing region” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).


    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 

  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 
  • “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5, 20).
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” as “society’s most under-resourced and overburdened face harshed experiences and have less access to climate-resilient infrastructure and recovery support, typically as a result of power imbalances or discriminatory policies” (2, 7, 23). Climate injustice, the “unequal distribution of harms and benefits,” most strongly impacts “people with low incomes; rural residents; disabled persons; older adults; Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; those who identify as other than cis, straight men; immigrants; those living in colonias; and unhoused individuals” (23). Climate injustice includes the impacts to climate change on “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature” (2, 7, 23). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities“health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 


    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5, 20). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9). 

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 

  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greenburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14, 24). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. The Southern Great Plains is known for its “food, fiber, and energy production, in addition to recreational activities”; however, climate change impacts have “harmed all communities, damaging infrastructure and agricultural production, disruption commerce and price stability, and amplifying social inequities” (19). 
  • Nebraska - Communities and Management


    According to the NCA5, Nebraska is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 




    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends









    Ch4: Water

    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    Climate change is expected to test the adaptive resilience of the region’s residents, in particular rural, Indigenous, and low-income immigrant populations.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Montana, for example, “lost approximately 800,000 visitors and $289 million (in 2022 dollars) of tourism- and recreation-related income due to drought” (21). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Northern Great Plains has a much larger share of residents employed in fossil fuel extraction than in the rest of the US, with approximately “1.8% of all jobs” relating to fossil fuels (21). Due to changes in “power generation, transmission, and consumption, as well as shifts in demands for particular types of energy sources,” people in energy-related jobs will experience shifts in demand from both in and outside of the Northern Great Plains (21). In addition, “climate change, especially climate extremes, may also stress energy infrastructure (e.g. rail, pipelines, distribution lines, [etc.])” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).


    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 

    “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 


  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 

    “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Mental and spiritual health are also affected by climate change; this is “especially relevant in the Northern Great Plains, where three states are among the top 10 in highest suicide rates per capita in the Nation. Suicide rates are particularly high in rural and Indigenous populations,” due to both remoteness from healthcare services and from “climate anxiety” and “solastalgia, the distress specifically caused by environmental change while still in a home environment” (20). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 
  • “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities’ “health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 

    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Across the Northern Great Plains, communities “experience complex tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other factors, all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change… These tensions culminate in difficult decisions” about resource management, community priorities, and “balanc[ing] trade-offs between consumptive and ecological uses” (22). These “cultural, structural, and institutional barriers… prevent effective action in the Northern Great Plains region;” for example, the region’s reliance on fossil fuels creates “resistance to energy transition and economic diversification,” the region receives less research funding than other regions in the US, and there are “varying perceptions of climate change” within the region. These are a few of many barriers to adaptation and action; however, opportunities are available where communities can overcome these tensions (22). Researchers, “communities, economic sectors, and natural resource practitioners in this region are advancing adaptation solutions,” including restoring native perennial land cover, responding to increases in river flooding, and adapting scenario-based planning (see “How are communities addressing these changes?” below) (23). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8) 


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9).

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 


  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • Restoration of buffalo to their historical lands, also led by Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Great Plains, is a way to honor their “valuable ecological role” and to “reestablish historic relationships to landscapes [that] are rooted in this region” (19). 
  • South Dakota - Communities and Management


    According to the NCA5, South Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    Climate change is expected to test the adaptive resilience of the region’s residents, in particular rural, Indigenous, and low-income immigrant populations.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Montana, for example, “lost approximately 800,000 visitors and $289 million (in 2022 dollars) of tourism- and recreation-related income due to drought” (21). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Northern Great Plains has a much larger share of residents employed in fossil fuel extraction than in the rest of the US, with approximately “1.8% of all jobs” relating to fossil fuels (21). Due to changes in “power generation, transmission, and consumption, as well as shifts in demands for particular types of energy sources,” people in energy-related jobs will experience shifts in demand from both in and outside of the Northern Great Plains (21). In addition, “climate change, especially climate extremes, may also stress energy infrastructure (e.g. rail, pipelines, distribution lines, [etc.])” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).


    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 


  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 

    “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Mental and spiritual health are also affected by climate change; this is “especially relevant in the Northern Great Plains, where three states are among the top 10 in highest suicide rates per capita in the Nation. Suicide rates are particularly high in rural and Indigenous populations,” due to both remoteness from healthcare services and from “climate anxiety” and “solastalgia, the distress specifically caused by environmental change while still in a home environment” (20). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities’ “health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 


    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Across the Northern Great Plains, communities “experience complex tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other factors, all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change… These tensions culminate in difficult decisions” about resource management, community priorities, and “balanc[ing] trade-offs between consumptive and ecological uses” (22). These “cultural, structural, and institutional barriers… prevent effective action in the Northern Great Plains region;” for example, the region’s reliance on fossil fuels creates “resistance to energy transition and economic diversification,” the region receives less research funding than other regions in the US, and there are “varying perceptions of climate change” within the region. These are a few of many barriers to adaptation and action; however, opportunities are available where communities can overcome these tensions (22). Researchers, “communities, economic sectors, and natural resource practitioners in this region are advancing adaptation solutions,” including restoring native perennial land cover, responding to increases in river flooding, and adapting scenario-based planning (see “How are communities addressing these changes?” below) (23). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 

    “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8) 


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9).

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 


  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • Restoration of buffalo to their historical lands, also led by Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Great Plains, is a way to honor their “valuable ecological role” and to “reestablish historic relationships to landscapes [that] are rooted in this region” (19). 
  • North Dakota - Communities and Management


    According to the NCA5, North Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 




    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends









    Ch4: Water

    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    Climate change is expected to test the adaptive resilience of the region’s residents, in particular rural, Indigenous, and low-income immigrant populations.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).



  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Montana, for example, “lost approximately 800,000 visitors and $289 million (in 2022 dollars) of tourism- and recreation-related income due to drought” (21). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Northern Great Plains has a much larger share of residents employed in fossil fuel extraction than in the rest of the US, with approximately “1.8% of all jobs” relating to fossil fuels (21). Due to changes in “power generation, transmission, and consumption, as well as shifts in demands for particular types of energy sources,” people in energy-related jobs will experience shifts in demand from both in and outside of the Northern Great Plains (21). In addition, “climate change, especially climate extremes, may also stress energy infrastructure (e.g. rail, pipelines, distribution lines, [etc.])” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).



    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 


  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 


    “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Mental and spiritual health are also affected by climate change; this is “especially relevant in the Northern Great Plains, where three states are among the top 10 in highest suicide rates per capita in the Nation. Suicide rates are particularly high in rural and Indigenous populations,” due to both remoteness from healthcare services and from “climate anxiety” and “solastalgia, the distress specifically caused by environmental change while still in a home environment” (20). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities’ “health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 


    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Across the Northern Great Plains, communities “experience complex tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other factors, all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change… These tensions culminate in difficult decisions” about resource management, community priorities, and “balanc[ing] trade-offs between consumptive and ecological uses” (22). These “cultural, structural, and institutional barriers… prevent effective action in the Northern Great Plains region;” for example, the region’s reliance on fossil fuels creates “resistance to energy transition and economic diversification,” the region receives less research funding than other regions in the US, and there are “varying perceptions of climate change” within the region. These are a few of many barriers to adaptation and action; however, opportunities are available where communities can overcome these tensions (22). Researchers, “communities, economic sectors, and natural resource practitioners in this region are advancing adaptation solutions,” including restoring native perennial land cover, responding to increases in river flooding, and adapting scenario-based planning (see “How are communities addressing these changes?” below) (23). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 

    “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8) 


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9).

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6).

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 


  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • Restoration of buffalo to their historical lands, also led by Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Great Plains, is a way to honor their “valuable ecological role” and to “reestablish historic relationships to landscapes [that] are rooted in this region” (19). 
  • Montana - Communities and Management


    According to the NCA5, Montana is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 




    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    Climate change is expected to test the adaptive resilience of the region’s residents, in particular rural, Indigenous, and low-income immigrant populations.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Montana, for example, “lost approximately 800,000 visitors and $289 million (in 2022 dollars) of tourism- and recreation-related income due to drought” (21). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Northern Great Plains has a much larger share of residents employed in fossil fuel extraction than in the rest of the US, with approximately “1.8% of all jobs” relating to fossil fuels (21). Due to changes in “power generation, transmission, and consumption, as well as shifts in demands for particular types of energy sources,” people in energy-related jobs will experience shifts in demand from both in and outside of the Northern Great Plains (21). In addition, “climate change, especially climate extremes, may also stress energy infrastructure (e.g. rail, pipelines, distribution lines, [etc.])” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).


    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 


  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 


  • “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Mental and spiritual health are also affected by climate change; this is “especially relevant in the Northern Great Plains, where three states are among the top 10 in highest suicide rates per capita in the Nation. Suicide rates are particularly high in rural and Indigenous populations,” due to both remoteness from healthcare services and from “climate anxiety” and “solastalgia, the distress specifically caused by environmental change while still in a home environment” (20). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2) 


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities’ “health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 


    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15)


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15). 


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrological variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning" (3)


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Across the Northern Great Plains, communities “experience complex tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other factors, all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change… These tensions culminate in difficult decisions” about resource management, community priorities, and “balanc[ing] trade-offs between consumptive and ecological uses” (22). These “cultural, structural, and institutional barriers… prevent effective action in the Northern Great Plains region;” for example, the region’s reliance on fossil fuels creates “resistance to energy transition and economic diversification,” the region receives less research funding than other regions in the US, and there are “varying perceptions of climate change” within the region. These are a few of many barriers to adaptation and action; however, opportunities are available where communities can overcome these tensions (22). Researchers, “communities, economic sectors, and natural resource practitioners in this region are advancing adaptation solutions,” including restoring native perennial land cover, responding to increases in river flooding, and adapting scenario-based planning (see “How are communities addressing these changes?” below) (23). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 


    “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9).

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 


  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • Restoration of buffalo to their historical lands, also led by Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Great Plains, is a way to honor their “valuable ecological role” and to “reestablish historic relationships to landscapes [that] are rooted in this region” (19). 

    Wyoming - Communities and Management


    According to the NCA5, Wyoming is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Communities and Management. 




    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends









    Ch4: Water

    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    Future responses of species and populations will depend on the magnitude and timing of changes, coupled with the differential sensitivity of organisms; species that cannot easily relocate or are highly temperature sensitive may face heightened extinction risks.

    Very Likely


    Identification of risks (e.g., extreme events) will help prioritize species and locations for protection and improve options for management.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples' well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories.


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty.


    Very High

    KM16.2: Self-Determination is Key to Indigenous Peoples' Resilience to Climate Change

    By exercising their right to self-determination, Indigenous Peoples can respond to climate change in ways that meet the needs and aspirations of their communities.


    Very High

    However, their ability to exercise this right is often undermined by institutions and policies shaped by the impacts of settler colonialism.


    Very High

    Expanded support from federal and state governments has the potential to uphold Indigenous rights to self-determination for guiding climate resilience.


    Very High

    KM16.3: Indigenous Leadership Guides Climate Change Response

    Indigenous Peoples lead numerous actions that respond to climate change.



    Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and movements have demonstrated diverse strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation that are guided by Indigenous Knowledges and values and by the pursuit of Indigenous rights.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    Climate change is expected to test the adaptive resilience of the region’s residents, in particular rural, Indigenous, and low-income immigrant populations.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.





  • Compounding effects of climate and human systems cause property and economic damage: Compound effects, or interactions among disturbances or disasters, often “amplify the effects of individual disturbances on ecosystem services,” human systems, and the economy (5). For instance, “climate change-driven changes in precipitation amount and duration, snowpack/ snowmelt, and soil moisture have combined with land-cover change and increasing property values to increase overall economic damages from floods” (2). Specifically, “drought and related heatwaves in the US caused $334.8 billion in damages,” including costs related to shortages in water supplies and power generation as well as reduction in agricultural production and other regular industrial activities (2). 

    “A portion of observed increases in inland flood damages can be attributed to changes in precipitation” (2)


    Figure 4.12: "Cumulative inland flood damages (in 2021 dollars) across the contiguous US (gray) and estimated portion due to changes in precipitation (green) are shown for 1988-2021. Over this period, heavy precipitation has increased over most of the US due to climate change (see Figure 2.8 for heavy precipitation changes over the 1958-2021 period). Error bars (in green) show the plausible range of cumulative damages in 2021, calculating a 95% confidence level. Roughly 20-46% of increases in observed flood damages can be attributed to increasing precipitation (assuming the same historical development patterns over the period 1988-2021). Other important contributors to flood damage include urbanization and land-use change, which can exacerbate runoff, and growth in the number and value of flood-affected buildings and other assets. Adapted from Davenport et al. 2021" (2).


  • Impacts to infrastructure and industry: At large scales, flooding of large river and lake systems disrupts infrastructure and industries, including “rail, roadway, and river transportation; agricultural production; commodity deliveries; and industrial production” (2). Across the US, infrastructure - including drinking water delivery infrastructure - is “aging and deteriorating, increasing the risks of contamination and delivery of unpotable water” (2). For instance, “more than 1,000 community water systems… are already providing poor-quality water and are not prepared to cope with climate-change driven flooding, drought, and waterborne diseases” (2). 
  • Land-based industries
  • Forestry: While exact impacts are uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, fires, insects, and diseases, climate change will impact forest growth and therefore wood and paper markets (5). Resulting “forest management actions taken in response to climate change” will also affect the forestry industry and associated ecosystem services of forests, such as carbon storage (5). 
  • Recreation: Climate change is decreasing certain recreational activities and increasing others; “for example, warming and reduced snowpack have had negative impacts on winter sports and positive effects on warm-weather activities, with mixed effects on water-based activities” (5). Montana, for example, “lost approximately 800,000 visitors and $289 million (in 2022 dollars) of tourism- and recreation-related income due to drought” (21). 
  • Agriculture: Effects of climate change have disrupted, and will continue to disrupt, all aspects of agriculture. These effects include “decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations” and limited water availability (10). Due to the current and projected effects of climate change, adaptation of “agricultural practices, including crop selection, use of equipment, and management approaches” will be required (12). For more information, see NCA5 Tool outputs for your location + “Agriculture and Land Use.”
  • Energy production: The Northern Great Plains has a much larger share of residents employed in fossil fuel extraction than in the rest of the US, with approximately “1.8% of all jobs” relating to fossil fuels (21). Due to changes in “power generation, transmission, and consumption, as well as shifts in demands for particular types of energy sources,” people in energy-related jobs will experience shifts in demand from both in and outside of the Northern Great Plains (21). In addition, “climate change, especially climate extremes, may also stress energy infrastructure (e.g. rail, pipelines, distribution lines, [etc.])” (21). 
  • “All dimensions of food security - availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability - are expected to be affected by climate change through long-term changes in average climatic conditions, as well as increases in climate variability and the frequency, magnitude, and duration of climate extremes” (13). This includes disruption of the food supply chain, including “production, storage, processing, distribution, retail, and consumption,” which will have “local and global impacts… on food security” (13). Localized impacts of climate change on food security will be determined by communities’ resilience to a variety of factors, including dependence on “locally grown versus imported foods and how systems respond to changes in climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic factors” (13, 14). 

    “Food security is an outcome of the food system, which influences and is influenced by the climate system, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems” (13)


    Figure 11.9: "A food system is a complex network that encompasses all inputs and outputs involved food production, foraging, harvesting, transport, processing, retailing, consumption, and food loss and waste. There can be different types of food systems, each having impacts on and being impacted by climate, ecosystems, and socioeconomic systems. Interactions between these systems influence human well-being through food security outcomes, such as food availability, access, utilization, and stability. Interventions, such as mitigation and adaptation, can reduce risks to food systems, which improves food security and well-being within socioeconomic systems. Adapted with permission from Figure 5.1 in Mbow et al. 2019" (13).


    As of the 2023 release of the NCA5, “approximately 38 million people in the United States live in food-insecure households” (13). As climate change results in “increasingly frequent and severe extreme events… food system disruptions… will disproportionately affect food accessibility, nutrition, and health,” particularly in low-income and underserved communities, who already face many of these risks due to their rural location (13, 14). Additionally, communities who rely on hunting, foraging, and subsistence farming - whether for cultural, recreational, financial, or other reasons - may be at increased risk of food insecurity (13). 


  • Ecosystem services are being impacted by climate change. 
  • Due to climate change, the ranges and abundances of “some plants and fungi used for food, medicine, and other purposes” have been altered (5). 
  • Furthermore, “climate change affects heritage values, cultural identity, and spiritual connections associated with forests” (5). 
  • “Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual” (10)


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (10).


  • Water availability for both human and agricultural uses has, and will continue to, be reduced due to climatic changes in temperature and precipitation (10). 
  • Invasive species are experiencing range shifts due to climate change, which can have either positive or negative effects on ecosystem services, depending on the species (9). Ranges of many invasive species are expected to expand, as “some invasive species are more successful than natives… because they better tolerate or more rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Yet not all invasive species are favored by climate change; many invasive plants and vertebrates may experience decreased ranges while the ranges of many invasive invertebrates and pathogens are expected to increase” (9). 

    While spruce and mountain pine beetles are native - not invasive - species in the Northern Great Plains, outbreaks have become more frequent due to climate change (4). Historically, these species’ populations have been kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (4). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (4). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (4). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (4). 


  • Diminished benefits from ecosystem services can also occur based on other factors… [such as] discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism [that] have created inequitable distributions of services, leading to communities of color experiencing reduced access to benefits like improved air quality or heat reduction” (10). Interactions between human and environmental impacts on ecosystem services “highlight[s] the need for clear management priorities and recognition of diverse values” (10). 


  • “Climate and non-climate stressors together affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and the services they provide” (7)


    Figure 8.1: "Species and ecosystems respond to pressures in different ways, such as shifting their locations or transforming into new, often degraded systems less able to provide ecosystem services. Adaptation measures can help species and ecosystems cope with some climate impacts but are not always going ot be effective or feasible, requiring increasingly difficult decisions on what resources to prioritize and what changes to accept. Adapted from Lipton et al. 2018" (7).


  • “Human well-being is dependent on natural and managed ecosystems, which provide crucial functions and resources for nearly everything we eat, make, and do”; therefore, human health is strongly tied to ecosystem health (7). 
  • Increasing wildfires, and therefore increasing levels of wildfire smoke, “are increasing respiratory and cardiovascular-associated hospitalizations and out-of-hospital cases of cardiac arrest” (5). 
  • Disease threats to wildlife, plants, and humans have emerged as a significant climate change risk [as] climate change promotes range expansions and population growth of disease-spreading (vector) species, increased host susceptibility via stress, and enhanced pathogen transmission, with major economic consequences” (9). Climate-impacted disease creates risks in both humans and wildlife (9). For instance, increases in human West Nile virus cases due to increased mosquito populations can be attributed to temperature and precipitation changes caused by climate change, while the fungal white-nose syndrome causing widespread bat mortality can also be affected by climatic changes (9, Table 8.1). 
  • Productivity and safety of outdoor workers, including farmworkers, are being affected by “higher temperature and humidity” resulting in greater rates of “heat-related stress and death” (13). As a result, the “number of unsafe working days is projected to double by midcentury” (13). 
  • Mental and spiritual health are also affected by climate change; this is “especially relevant in the Northern Great Plains, where three states are among the top 10 in highest suicide rates per capita in the Nation. Suicide rates are particularly high in rural and Indigenous populations,” due to both remoteness from healthcare services and from “climate anxiety” and “solastalgia, the distress specifically caused by environmental change while still in a home environment” (20). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: “Climate change creates unequal burdens on people and communities,” and “relationships between humans and ecosystems, such as the kinship values that many Black, Indigenous, and Tribal communities experience with regard to nature, are also endangered by [climate] change” (2, 7). Disproportionate impacts of climate change on these communities include: 
  • “Increased exposure to water-related hazards” by communities living along large bodies of water, people working in agriculture or fisheries, and Tribal and Indigenous communities who are often “displace[d] from lands with cultural significance” (2). Additionally, “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas are at greatest risk” of exposure to flooding risks and damages as well as “exposure to pathogens and pollutants from climate change-driven impacts to water quality” (2). 

    “Losses due to floods are projected to increase disproportionately in US Census tracts with higher percentages of Black residents” (2)


    Figure 4.14: "Average annual losses - economic damages in a typical year - due to floods in census tracts with a Black population of at least 20% are projected to increase at roughly twice the rate of that in tracts where Black residents make up less than 1% of the population. Black bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Adapted from Wing et al. 2022" (2).


  • Tribal and Indigenous communities’ “health, economic vitality, education, environmental quality, governance, and cultural continuance” are negatively impacted by climate change (15). While exacerbated by climate change, these challenges are rooted in historical injustice (15). Tribal and “Indigenous initiatives addressing climate and energy are often organized as movements for protecting and advancing Indigenous rights… to self-determination regarding climate change responses in their territories - rights that are critical to Indigenous efforts to choose the best pathways for supporting health, economic vitality, educational institutions, environmental quality, governance, cultural continuance, and spiritual traditions” (15). 


    “Indigenous holistic worldviews offer diverse and complex expressions of climate change” (15) 


    Figure 16.3: "As an intentionally non-exhaustive example by particular Indigenous designers, the "Indigenous holistic worldview" image demonstrates interconnected drivers of sustenance, climate change impacts, and future aspirations. Illustrations connecting human social systems and the environment, including the relationship between social justice (e.g., colonialism, racism) and environmental change (e.g., ecological degradation, pollution), represent certain Indigenous approaches to climate change. Figure credit: © STACCWG 2021. Used with permission" (15).


    The present and projected effects of climate change “disrupt the conditions for critical Indigenous subsistence practices… [which] Indigenous livelihoods and economies often rely on,” along with “natural resource management, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, community development corporations and financial institutions, Tribal government employment and contracts, Tribal enterprises, and multinational corporations” (16). 


    Tribal communities have expressed the “need for climate impact assessments as a first step to resilience planning and identified information about climate change impacts to water as a top priority” (3). Lack of data, and lack of data sovereignty, are major barriers to Tribal and Indigenous response to climate change (3). Other priorities include “food security, protection of Traditional Knowledge, and Tribal capacity to implement adaptation plans, monitor and collect data, and conduct climate vulnerability assessments are also high priorities” (3). While federal assistance is available for some Tribes, barriers include “access to limited resources, including agency requirements (e.g., funding matches); lack of Tribal capacity; and navigating interagency processes” (3). 


    Similarly, the “lack of [Indigenous communities’] capacity to transition toward renewable energy can be considered a vulnerability to climate change - that is, vulnerability to being excluded from unlocking the capacity to enact mitigation measures” (16). Indigenous self-determination in renewable energy includes “barriers to infrastructure ownership, access to financing tax initiatives, the navigation of regulations and jurisdictions, and income opportunities from renewables” (16). 


    Additionally, effects of climate change on culturally-significant ecosystems “exacerbat[e] environmental injustices affecting Indigenous and Tribal food sovereignty, health, cultural practices, and knowledge transmission” (5). This is because “Indigenous concepts of health and well-being often remain closely tied to the health of the environment, waters, and more-than-human relatives that provide for subsistence and cultural needs” (16). In addition to impacts from food insecurity and more widespread climate-related health concerns (such as heat-related stress), Indigenous Peoples are also experiencing “post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and other mental, spiritual, and socio-emotional health challenges” (16). 


    Ultimately, self-determination is central to Indigenous Peoples’ “decisions about how to respond to climate change in ways that meet community-defined needs and aspirations. Indigenous climate resilience requires having adequate options for deciding how to adapt to and mitigate climate change and the capacity to implement decisions and make strategic decisions upon evaluation” (17). However, “Indigenous self-determination has been limited by institutions and policies, colonial in their organizational structure, that enable federal, state, and local governments and private industry to make decisions for Indigenous Peoples and to maintain low levels of funding and administrative support for implementation” (17). Therefore, “many Tribes have called for Indigenous-led management, as well as comanagement of lands, waters, and other resources currently under federal or state management… [which] represents opportunities to assert Tribal resource-management practices that address climate change” (17). 


  • Management and planning: Uncertainty driven by natural climatic fluctuations has “always been part of water resources planning,” but effects of climate change exacerbate this uncertainty (3). 
  • Policymaking: The relationship between climate change and policymaking is changing, as rates of change “outpace the regulatory changes needed to cope with them” (3). These changes “will continue, challenging planning and policy formulation for adaptation to climate change, and suggesting that durable and realistic long-term perspectives are necessary for robust policy development” (3). 

    “Natural hydrologic variability can promote urgency or complacency in long-term planning” (3) 


    Figure 4.18: "The figure shows hydrologic variability in both space and time: (a, b) runoff variability (a surrogate for streamflow variability) across the country between two decades, with the boundary of the Upper Colorado River Basin shown; and streamflow variability across time with (c) estimates of Colorado River flows from historical observations and (d) reconstructed flows from ancient tree rings (blue line), with data from (c) showin in orange. Wedges point to two negotiated policy events. Figure credit: Lynker and University of Colorado Boulder" (3).


  • “Conflict, competition, and collaboration”: climate change impacts and disputes over resources have been observed in many communities (3). For example, “water disputes in the western US are resolved through litigation,” but as impacts from drought increase, many communities are “struggling to avoid litigation through negotiated settlements and voluntary use reduction” (3). 
  • Across the Northern Great Plains, communities “experience complex tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other factors, all exacerbated by the impacts of climate change… These tensions culminate in difficult decisions” about resource management, community priorities, and “balanc[ing] trade-offs between consumptive and ecological uses” (22). These “cultural, structural, and institutional barriers… prevent effective action in the Northern Great Plains region;” for example, the region’s reliance on fossil fuels creates “resistance to energy transition and economic diversification,” the region receives less research funding than other regions in the US, and there are “varying perceptions of climate change” within the region. These are a few of many barriers to adaptation and action; however, opportunities are available where communities can overcome these tensions (22). Researchers, “communities, economic sectors, and natural resource practitioners in this region are advancing adaptation solutions,” including restoring native perennial land cover, responding to increases in river flooding, and adapting scenario-based planning (see “How are communities addressing these changes?” below) (23). 
  • Conflicts may exist between human communities but also between human communities and wildlife (9). These conflicts may also be caused by competition for limited resources, but may be caused instead by management actions intended to increase wildlife species’ populations (9). For instance, “translocation of nonhuman species into human communities unwilling to coexist with them” has caused conflict over management actions intended to improve ecosystem conditions (9). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities have responded to uncertainty caused by effects of climate change through “watershed management, nature-based solutions, planned relocation, floodplain management, water conservation and reuse, decision science,” and more (3). 
  • Nature-based solutions, or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • “Nature-based solutions buffer the effects of climate change” (10)


    Figure 8.18: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to address societal challenges such as climate change. Examples in the US include (a) oyster restoration; (b) cover cropping; (c) stormwater management; and (d) urban agriculture. These not only help buffer the impacts of climate change, such as through physical barriers or improved local microclimates, but also provide additional benefits like food and habitat provisioning. Figure credit: Rutgers University and NPS. See figure metadata for additional contributors. Photo credits: (a) Linda Walters, NPS; (b) David Bosch, USDA; (c) Alisha Goldstein, EPA; (d) Bob Nichols, USDA" (10).


  • Adaptive management iteratively plans, implements, and modifies strategies for managing resources under uncertainty” (8). These strategies require overarching structures and “decisionmaking processes for coordinating efforts across scales, managing uncertainties and conflicts, mobilizing diverse knowledges, and addressing stakeholder interests” (8). 
  • Decisionmaking frameworks, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD), are being studied to “advance adaptive management processes” (8). 

    The “Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework helps identify conditions where ecosystem management can resist a trajectory of change, accept change, or direct change toward desired future conditions” (8). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here


    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems,” (8) 


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (8).


  • Assisting species adaptation, “including increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, and expanding protection activities,” is one way to address effects of climate change on ecosystems and even individual species (9).

    For example, assisted migration of forest species involves “1) assisted population migration within a species range, 2) assisted range expansion adjacent to a species range, and 3) assisted species migration that moves species far outside their range” in order to “promote tree species… expected to survive future climates and disturbance regimes” (6). Other types of adaptive reforestation practices, including where and which species are planted, are being implemented as well (6). However, “private forest owners’ [and other landowners’] actions to adapt to climate change are socially, institutionally, and economically constrained; therefore, policy and market-based incentives have the potential to increase adaptation on private lands” (6). 

    Additionally, managing ecosystems for connectivity, which may include reduction of “habitat fragmentation [and] protecting [or creating] wildlife corridors,” can “enhance species climate resilience, particularly for wide-ranging and migratory species. Priorities include connecting climate refugia, areas of high diversity, and current and future habitat types” (9). Increased connectivity can lead to increased biodiversity, which is linked to increased ecosystem resilience (9). 


  • Updating metrics: data collection methods and existing metrics are often “widely outdated,” requiring extensive updates to make them useful for present-day decisionmaking (3). Furthermore, there are frequent gaps in data in “lightly populated and lower-income areas,” affecting the accuracy and usability of climate models based on these data (3). To address this, initiatives including “expanding direct observational data collection…[and] supporting development and testing of remotely sensed data and models,” such as satellite remote sensing, are being implemented in some communities and agencies (3). 
  • Increased monitoring of transformations: Similarly to updating metrics, increased monitoring of ecosystem transformations - specifically, “identifying and monitoring species or ecosystem traits that provide early warnings of vulnerability, system-wide decline, or tipping points” - can reduce risks and provide early detection of ecosystem transformations (8). Long-term monitoring networks, including federal- or community- operated networks and community science networks (such as iNaturalist) - in addition to elders and Indigenous knowledge holders - “collect observations across large areas and have helped detect altered species distributions, abundances, and phenologies (seasonal patterns)” (8). 

    “Monitoring programs are critically important for observing and projecting trends in resilience, species invasions, range shifts, declines, and extinctions” (8)


    Figure 8.8: "Federally operated networks (NPS I&M, NERR) and other long-term networks (LTER, LTAR, NEON, MBON, AmeriFlux) provide consistent and permanent observations at limited sites, whereas volunteer networks (USA-NPN, Indigenous Sentinels) offer more oportunistic observations across a wider landscape. Together, these networks provide critical data for understanding species and ecosystem changes, although gaps in coverage remain. Figure credit: Lynker and USGS" (8).


  • Interest in, and publication of, reports such as “vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans for federal, state, private, and Tribal lands” has increased significantly to help communities prepare for impacts of climate change (6). Often, social factors are considered in these reports; “assessments can consider ecological changes and altered ecosystem services” as climate change affects ecosystems (6). For example, incorporating consideration of local industries, adaptation capacity of local communities, and environmental justice provide a more holistic understanding of ecosystems (6). 
  • Policies: Large-scale, actionable environmental policy is difficult due to the variety of landowners, governments, and rights holders responsible for decisionmaking. However, many communities pursue policy to address environmental and social concerns. For example, potential policies regarding forests “include regulations that require adaptation actions; subsidies that reduce private costs of actions or account for public benefits of private actions; and taxes that increase the private costs of inaction or of actions that make forests less resilient to climate change” (6). 
  • Proactive food security projects are increasing communities’ resilience to climate change-related food insecurity. For instance, the “Osage Nation’s community orchard - informed by Tribal Ecological Knowledge, designed with community health in mind, and providing nutritious fruits, nuts, and berries for community members” - is one example of community-led action to protect health and ensure food availability (13). 
  • Participatory approaches to enhancing climate resilience are being employed by many communities to “ensure that efforts are equitable and meet community needs” (14). For example, Greensburg, Kansas “utilized multiple rounds of public meetings to engage citizens in planning a sustainable, climate-smart rebuilding process” after the town was destroyed by a natural disaster (14). 
  • Indigenous-led “climate and energy [initiatives] include implementation of climate adaptation strategies, climate and energy planning and policy initiatives, youth movements on climate justice, artistic mixed-media messaging about Indigenous experiences with and knowledges of climate change, and movements aimed to connect diverse Indigenous Peoples with one another spanning local to international scales” (18). These initiatives include Tribal-led energy projects, creation of climate and hazard mitigation plans, and adaptation planning training (18). There are many examples of Indigenous communities leading these efforts, such as the Karuk Tribe’s work “to ensure that the State of California has permitting requirements for vegetation management to reduce fire hazards through prescribed burns that have cultural value” and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community of Washington’s work to build “clam gardens as a climate adaptation strategy to combat sea level rise and ocean acidification and to bolster food security” (18). Equitable and effective climate solutions will support Tribal sovereignty and Indigenous-led initiatives while centering Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 
  • Restoration of buffalo to their historical lands, also led by Indigenous Peoples in the Northern Great Plains, is a way to honor their “valuable ecological role” and to “reestablish historic relationships to landscapes [that] are rooted in this region” (19). 
  • Colorado - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, Colorado is part of the Southwest region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southwest related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones an growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Climate change is projected to disrupt food systems in ways that reduce the availability and affordability of nutritious food, with uneven economic impacts across society.



    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Rural communities steward much of the Nation's land and natural resources, which provide food, bioproducts, and ecosystem services.



    These crucial roles are at risk as climate change compounds existing stressors such as poverty, unemployment, and depopulation.



    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch16: Indigenous Peoples

    KM16.1: Indigenous Peoples Face Risks to Well-Being and Livelihoods from Climate Change and Barriers to Energy Sovereignty

    Climate change continues to cause negative effects on critical aspects of Indigenous Peoples’ well-being, including their livelihoods, health, nutrition, and cultural practices, as well as the ecological resilience of their territories. 


    Very High

    Indigenous Peoples are responding in diverse ways, including through energy sovereignty. 


    Very High

    Ch28: Southwest

    KM28.1: Drought and Aridity Threaten Water Resources

    Climate change has reduced surface water and groundwater availability for people and nature in the Southwest…


    Very High

    ...and there are inequities in how these impacts are experienced.



    Higher temperatures have intensified drought and will lead to a more arid future;

    Very Likely


    without adaptation, these changes will exacerbate existing water supply-demand imbalances.



    At the same time, the region is experiencing more intense precipitation events, including atmospheric rivers, which contribute to increased flooding.



    KM28.3: Increasing Challenges Confront Food and Fiber Production in the Southwest

    Continuing drought and water scarcity will make it more difficult to raise food and fiber in the Southwest without major shifts to new strategies and technologies.



    Extreme heat events will increase animal stress and reduce crop quality and yield, thereby resulting in widespread economic impacts.



    Because people in the Southwest have adapted to drought impacts for millennia, incorporating Indigenous Knowledge with technological innovation can offer solutions to protect food security and sovereignty.



    KM28.5: Changes in Wildfire Patterns Pose Challenges for Southwest Residents and Ecosystems

    High-severity wildfires are expected to continue in coming years, placing the people, economies, ecosystems, and water resources of the region at considerable risk.

    Very Likely




    The Southwestern region of the United States is “among the fastest growing and most economically productive areas of the country… provid[ing] society with food, energy, and water” (18). However, the Southwest is currently experiencing increasing temperatures, as well as changes in timing, form, and amount of precipitation - which is expected to continue as the climate changes (2, 18). The long-term aridification and episodic drying in the western US has contributed to extended droughts, along with compounding events, that affect agriculture, forestry, and other land-based industries and activities (2). 


    “Monitoring indicators of climate impacts on agriculture can improve understanding and help with adaptation efforts” (20)


    Figure 28.6: "Climate change impacts to the Southwest's agriculture include longer growing seasons, a northward shift in plant hardiness zones, expanded areas of heat stress, and higher rates of evapotranspiration, increasing demand for fresh water for irrigation. Monitoring the indicators helps us understand how impacts are experienced and how to adapt to risks. Figure credit: New Mexico State University and Utah State University" (20).


  • Temperatures are increasing - including “annual average minimum temperatures, growing degree days, and average number of days above 86°F (the threshold used to define heat zones)” - which will result in “longer growing seasons, a northward shift in plant hardiness zones, and expanded areas of heat stress exposure to crops and livestock” (20). For Colorado and the intermountain west, “false springs” are expected to increase vulnerability of crops to “late-season freeze events” (20). 
  • Drought: While the Southwest has historically experienced “episodes of intense drought and precipitation,” the Southwest and Great Plains regions will experience the greatest increase in climatic water deficit (CWD) of the United States - meaning, these regions will experience a great shortfall of water necessary to fulfill supply vegetation requirements (19, 2). 
  • Floods: Many areas in the Southwest have already experienced damaging floods, and increasing flood activity can threaten human environments - including structures and water quality - as well as natural environments (3). In urban areas, surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, and pavement do not absorb water, which can lead to intense, concentrated floods (3). Meanwhile, rural areas may experience less concentrated floods, except where intensive agriculture has reduced the infiltration and capacity of soils; this creates an increase in runoff, which results in flooding (3). Large-scale floods can also cause disruptions to transportation infrastructure as well as agricultural production (3). 
  • Changes in precipitation: While much of the United States is expected to receive an increase in precipitation, the Southwest will experience a decrease, which may have a disproportionate influence on the region’s water resources compared to other regions in the US (2). These changes in precipitation and additional changes in temperature will exacerbate drought conditions (2). 
  • Reduced flows in major river basins such as the Colorado and Rio Grande are expected to affect the landscape on a large scale; in addition, the effect of climate change on watersheds can be amplified by “gradual and episodic stressors” (19, 9)

    "Climate effects on watersheds exemplify the amplifying impacts of gradual and episodic stressors" (9) 


    Figure 8.4: "Both gradual and episodic (short-lived) climatic drivers alter the transport of water, nutrients, and sediments from terrestrial watersheds to downstream water bodies. These drivers affect aquatic ecology and ecosystem services throughout the hydrological system, even in areas distant from drivers of change (e.g., more intense rainfall leading to leaching of fertilizers that stimulate harmful algal blooms downstream). The frequency and intensity of episodic extreme events is projected to increase (KM2.2), raising risks for many species (Figure 8.10). Figure credit: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies" (9).


  • Changes in evapotranspiration: Actual evaporation, or the “water that evaporates from soil and surface water or transpires from plants,” will decrease in the Southwest as rates of evapotranspiration increase (2, 20). 
  • Soil moisture decreases: While more soil moisture observations are needed, it seems that soil moisture may increase if areas in the Southwest receive more summer precipitation in the future (2). However, there is consensus that soils are becoming drier in the Southwest and that the region will most likely experience decreasing annual soil moisture (2). While this will affect all agricultural industries, the “producers most vulnerable to local precipitation deficits are dryland farmers growing rain-fed crops and producers raising livestock on rangelands” (20). Furthermore, wind erosion and dust production from exposed soils are expected to increase, which will require “careful management… [of] agricultural practices such as fallowing and grazing” (20). 
  • Changes in snowpack and groundwater: Since mountain snowpack is “one of the most important sources of water in the Southwest… declines in western snowpack over the last century” will affect water availability throughout the region (19). Acequias, “community-based snow-fed irrigation systems in high-elevation watersheds of New Mexico and Colorado,” will be disproportionally affected by decreasing snowpack (20). While irrigated agriculture in the Southwest was initially “thought to be less vulnerable to climate change than… other parts of the country,” this reliance on irrigation makes the Southwest more vulnerable to climate change as the “future irrigation supply is uncertain… depend[ing] on dwindling ground and surface water supplies” (20). In addition, natural groundwater recharge will decrease slightly in the Southwest, which, along with increasing temperatures, will increase irrigation demand (2). This may lead to an increase in demand for groundwater pumping, which in turn can reduce streamflow (3, 11). 
  • Ecosystem services: Effects of drier conditions include changes in ecosystem composition, including those of insects and diseases that may affect agriculture, forestry, and other land-based industries (5). Additionally, since climate change is projected to affect forest growth, wood and paper industries will experience impacts of varying strengths depending on both the condition of the ecosystem and the management actions taken in response (6). The strength of climate change effects on forest ecosystems is “uncertain due to disturbances, such as droughts, wildfires, insects, and diseases, that limit forest growth” (6). 

    "Ecosystems provide a broad range of relational benefits, from the material to the spiritual" (11) 


    Figure 8.17: "Ecosystem services, also called "nature's contributions to people," are the benefits that humans receive or derive from ecosystems. These are both material (e.g., energy sources) and non-material (e.g., sense of place), and contribute to the regulation of ecosystem processes. The broad categories of benefits pictured are fluid and overlapping. People value nature in multiple ways, such as "living as" nature (Figure 16.3) or "living from" nature (e.g., people's dependency on key services). Adapted from O'Connor and Kenter 2019" (11).


  • Recreation industries will also experience impacts due to climate change; warming temperatures and reduced snowpack have negatively impacted winter sports while positively impacting some summer sports; however, summer sports have also been impacted by smoke due to increasing wildfires (6, 7). Additional tourism-based industries, such as birdwatching, may impact communities dependent on local populations as range shifts occur due to climate change (10). 
  • Ecosystem changes: Ecosystem transformation can be “gradual or relatively abrupt,” depending on the complexity and resilience of the system; ecosystems with “higher biodiversity have more species interactions and often exhibit slow changes at first followed by abrupt shifts” (9). However, “multiple stressors” can interact, leading to more abrupt changes (9). In the Southwest, sagebrush ecosystems are an example of ecosystem transformation and management. (Learn more about the NC CASC’s Rapid Climate Assessment Program (RCAP), many of which involve sagebrush ecosystems, here.) Additionally, changes in phenology - the timing of seasonal events - and changes in species’ ranges are expected in the Southwest; this will have impacts on a variety of land-based industries, including agriculture, as harvesting times, planting times, and species ranges shift in response to climate effects (10). 

    "Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse" (9). 


    Figure 8.6: "In western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).



  • Effects on threatened species: local-scale conditions can create complex patterns of environmental stressors, and conditions are changing faster in some places than others; this creates climate refugia, which are expected to support specialized and often threatened species (10). These refugia, along with corridors that connect them, will be particularly impacted by the effects of climate change and may disappear altogether (10). 

    "Climate refugia are locations where environmental conditions are changing more slowly than the surrounding region" (10). 


    Figure 8.12: "Refugia help populations survive extreme events, and when connected via dispersal currents and corridors can serve as rescue sites. Understanding variations in environmental exposures and organism sensitivities to extreme conditions helps forecast climate impacts and inform management strategies. Adapted from Morelli et al. 2016" (10).


  • Disease risk in humans and wildlife: As increased temperatures and changes in precipitation occur, numerous diseases are “becoming more common as climate change expands vector ranges and changes species interactions and habitat preferences” (10). For example, “viral hemorrhagic septicemia damages wild and farm-raised fish such as rainbow trout, with patterns of spread and establishment being highly correlated with climatic variables (temperature and precipitation)” (10). 
  • Invasive species: Climate change can have positive, negative, or net-zero effects on invasive species, depending on the species’ tolerance for temperature and precipitation as well as their ability to adapt (10). 
  • Mountain pine beetles, while not an invasive species, are having “larger, more frequent, and more severe outbreaks… negatively affecting the quality and quantity of timber available to the region’s forestry and forest products industries (20). 
  • Wildfires, although a natural and necessary part of Southwestern ecosystems, have been intensified by both climate change and “long-standing policies and forest management” (21). Specifically, practices of “fire suppression, widespread logging and livestock grazing, and elimination of Indigenous fire use” in combination with climate change have “contributed to high tree densities, compromised ecosystem function, and the diversity or heterogeneity of forest attributes such as species, size classes, and geographic distributions” (21). Therefore, forests and “fire-prone wildlands” in the Southwest “are susceptible to climate-mediated impacts including droughts, pests and disease, and devastating wildfire” (21). 

    Wildfires in the Southwest have increased in size, severity, and frequency, “with clear evidence of climate change as a major cause” (21). Wildfires have also caused ecosystem transformations; for example, “semiarid to arid forest systems… have experienced conversion to native grassland, shrubland, or non-native grassland” (21). In addition to impacts on “watersheds and aquatic resources,” ecosystem transformation due to wildfire “include  degradation of riparian systems; risks to riparian and riverine species, as well as to threatened and endangered species, from erosion caused by extreme precipitation events; and increased invasions by non-native species” (21). Postfire conditions for “water availability, quantity, and quality” have led to “interactions between wildfire and natural drought variability [which is] expected to increasingly exacerbate dry conditions… and drive future shifts in species composition or vegetation type” (21). Certain ecosystems are more vulnerable to postfire transformation than others, such as sagebrush ecosystems (learn more about the NC CASC’s Rapid Climate Assessment Program (RCAP), many of which involve sagebrush ecosystems, here). 

  • “Climate change is leading to larger and hotter fires and resulting in shifts in vegetation” (21). 


    Figure 28.9: "Data from the states of California, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico show that approximately half (about 50%) of vegetation type change (e.g., forests transiting to shrublands or grasslands) is a function of high-severity fire. Adapted from Guiterman et al. 2022" (21).


    Wildfires will impact human structures and property as well, such as the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado, which “burned more than 1,000 homes in just a few hours” (21). Wildfires are expected to affect most, if not all, land-based industries in the Southwest; however, particularly vulnerable industries “include wineries, tourism, forest products, and legal cannabis cultivation” (21).  


  • Effects on human health and food security: Increased average and extreme temperatures are negatively affecting the health of farmers and outdoor workers in the Southwest (12). In addition, changes in temperature and precipitation will affect agriculture, which can in turn affect food security (14). This will have uneven impacts on food-insecure households in addition to “subsistence-based people” (14). In addition, rural communities may be threatened by compounding risks of climate change and “structural trends such as dependence on goods produced outside the area, digitization of economic and social life, and demographic change that may reduce resilience and rural quality of life” (15). 
  • In areas of the Southwest where crop production is “unprofitable or infeasible,” livestock production is the dominant use of agricultural land (20). Climate change is expected to negatively impact the “livestock food supply chain, affecting production and nutritional quality of forage, livestock health on rangelands and in transport due to heat stress and pest exposure, and shelf life of products during transport and storage” (20). 

    “Climate change has cascading and compounding effects on all stages of the food supply chain” (14)


    Figure 11.10: "Extreme events fueled by climate change (first row, icons) can affect each stage of the food supply chain (second row, dark blue), resulting in compounding and cascading effects on the food system (third row, light blue). Adapted with permission from Davis et al. 2021" (14).



    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Water policy innovations, such as those implemented by Colorado, are encouraging “rural-to-urban transfers while minimizing impacts in rural areas; [however] adoption has been slow due to distrust on the part of agricultural communities and uncertainty about trade-offs” (20). 
  • Monitoring networks - for both species and ecosystems - can help reduce risks of abrupt ecosystem transformation (9). In addition, adaptive management, or “iteratively planning, implementing, and modifying strategies for managing resources,” can help to coordinate efforts, manage uncertainty, and provide “decision-making processes” (9). The Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework is one way managers have examined decisionmaking under uncertain climate futures. The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (11). 
  • Agroecology is an agricultural practice utilizing applied “ecological concepts, principles, and knowledge” to form “sustainable agricultural ecosystems… [that] includes the roles of human beings as a central organism” (13). Agroecology can include “matching species to the environment, organic matter-driven nutrient cycling, integrated management, and natural pest controls,” which can result in reduced reliance on chemical inputs, increased ecosystem diversity, and potentially, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (13). Emissions from US agriculture, which have increased over the last thirty years, are still increasing; however, utilization of alternative farming techniques, increases in overall productivity, and implementation of new technology can decrease these emissions (13). 
  • Improving irrigation efficiency faces barriers such as “farm or ranch location, access to surface water and groundwater, water rights, current irrigation methods, and crop types;” however, advancing irrigation efficiency can “reduce risks to farming and ranching operations [caused by] increasing temperatures, unreliable precipitation, and reduced water resources” (20). 
  • Adaptive livestock management can reduce the livestock industry’s significant greenhouse gas emissions through “ruminant feed supplements and energy capture from liquid manure systems” (13). 

    "Agroecological approaches seek to achieve beneficial agricultural outcomes while promoting ecosystem services and rural livelihoods" (13) 


    Figure 11.5: "Science-based application of agroecological approaches results in outcomes that balance agricultural productivity and profitability with ecosystem services and societal well-being. Figure credit: USDA" (13).


  • Alternative protein sources, such as plant-based meats, also offer a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; while some approaches require establishment of infrastructure (thus resulting in more “energy inputs per unit of food production”), balancing this with the impacts of protein production and animal agriculture can result in a reduction of emissions. (13) 
  • “Adaptive conservation management approaches” aim to reduce soil disturbance while “maximizing soil cover, biodiversity, and the presence of living roots” (20). Strategies such as cover cropping and reduced- or no-tillage farming are examples of adaptive conservation management (20). 
  • Localized adaptation strategies, such as “crop- and locality- specific combinations of irrigation, site management (e.g., use of cover crops), and cultivar selection,” have been implemented across the Southwest (20). In addition, “climate change poses risks to productivity and quality of [produce, requiring adaptations on farms and throughout the supply chain, including changes in crop calendars, nutrient and pest management strategies, post-harvest, and preservation methods” (20). 

    “Greenhouse gas emissions from protein production vary greatly according to protein type” (13)


    Figure 11.8: "Estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from protein production vary widely depending on food type. Global median emissions (in kg of carbon dioxide [CO2] equivalents for every 100g of protein produced) are shown here for 11 major protein sources. Although cereal grains have lower protein content, they are included here because they contribute 41% to global protein intake. While US emissions values may differ slightly from global values, the relative differences in GHG emissions by protein intake. Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).



  • Tribes are utilizing increased funding to transition towards renewable energy, resulting in higher resilience to climate change, self-determination and sovereignty in energy production, and income opportunities from renewables. 

    “The breadth of project type and funding amounts have increased for federally funded renewable energy projects” (17)


    Figure 16.4: "The figure shows federally funded Tribal renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects between 1994 and 2022. The size of the circles indicates the number of projects: the larger the circle, the more projects of that energy type were funded that year. Historically, projects like retrofitting to improve energy efficiency, as well as renewable energy projects including solar, wind, and biomass, often received funding. The more recent trend toward microgrid and solar projects mirrors efforts to build Tribal energy sovereignty. Figure credit: DOI, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (17).


  • Resilience to wildfires “may be enhanced by thinning trees, leveraging low- and moderate-severity wildfires with traditional forest management treatments that adjust fuels, and better incorporating managed wildfire;” utilizing a combination of prescribed fire and “mechanical forest treatments, such as thinning or pruning, also reduces tree densities and fuels,” which can also increase resilience (21). 
  • Cultural burning practices by Indigenous and Tribal communities “can be compatible with traditional fire application and help advance increased resilience to climate change” (21). 
  • Power shutoff policies have been implemented in some areas of the Southwest “to reduce wildfire risk when extreme wind events are predicted to topple powerlines and telecommunications infrastructure” (21). By preemptively shutting off power sources, decisionmakers can avoid occurrences of compound events of extreme winds, power loss, and wildfire (21). 

    Kansas - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, Kansas is part of the Southern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Forest landowners, managers, and policymakers working at local, state, Tribal, and federal levels are preparing for climate change through the development and implementation of vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1: Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2: Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    Ch26: Southern Great Plains

    KM26.1: How We Live: Climate Change is Degrading Lands, Waters, Culture, and Health

    Climate change is beginning to alter how we live in the Southern Great Plains, putting us at risk from climate hazards that degrade our lands and waters, quality of life, health and well-being, and cultural interconnectedness.



    KM26.2: How We Work: Climate Changes Are Creating Economic Challenges and Opportunities

    As climate conditions change, businesses and industries across the Southern Great Plains are experiencing disruptions and losses in productivity and profits – but also new economic opportunities.



    In coming decades, warmer temperatures, more erratic precipitation, and sea level rise are expected to force widespread and costly changes in how we work.

    Very Likely


    Businesses and industries have opportunities to harness their diverse knowledge, resources, and workers to develop products and services in climate mitigation technologies, adaptation strategies, and resilient design that will enhance the region’s economy.



    KM26.3: How We Play: Climate Extremes Are Endangering Sports, Recreation, and Leisure

    Extreme climate-related events are negatively influencing how we play and participate in outdoor sport, recreation, and physical activities in the Southern Great Plains.


    Very High

    Climate change is expected to increase heat-related illness and death, reduce outdoor physical activity, and decrease athletic performance.

    Very Likely


    Individuals, communities, and sports organizations can adapt to these hazards through strategies such as modifying the timing, location, intensity, or monitoring of activities.



    KM26.5: How We Serve: Climate Change is Straining Public Infrastructure and Services

    Actions that can enhance our community resilience include substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions, installing or retrofitting climate-resilient infrastructure, educating students and the public on climate change, and cultivating the capacity of faith- and volunteer-based aid organizations to assist hazard planning, response, and recovery.





    The Southern Great Plains (SGP) consists of twenty distinct ecoregions, including forests, grasslands, rangelands, croplands, and more (15). Rural communities in this region support agriculture, fiber production, energy industries, and recreation (15). 


    Annual average temperatures in Kansas have increased from 1.5 F from 1900-2020, and the Southern Great Plains are expected to increase to “historically unprecedented” levels (15). The number of extremely hot days will increase, while the number of extremely cold days will decrease (15). 


    “Air temperatures for Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are projected to be historically unprecedented by the end of the century” (15)


    Figure 26.2: "These graphs show observed and projected changes (compared to the 1901-1960 average; thick black line) in near-surface air temperature for (a) Kansas, (b) Oklahoma, and (c) Texas. Annual average temperature observations (orange line) are plotted with the range of temperatures from climate model output (light gray shading) for the historical period. The overlap of observed and modeled temperatures indicates that the models represent the region's climate reasonably well. Climate projections out to 2100 use an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5; green shading) and a very high scenario (RCP8.5; red shading), showing a range of possible future temperatures. Results from both scenarios indicate substantial warming in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas by midcentury and historically unprecedented warming by the end of the century. (a, b) Adapted from Frankson et al. 2022 and Frankson et al. 2022; (c) adapted from Runkle et al. 2022" (15).


    Additionally, annual precipitation has increased across Kansas; precipitation is lower in the western SGP region and significantly increases on the eastern border (15). 


    “Slightly drier conditions are projected for much of the western and southern portions of the region by the end of the century” (17)


    Figure 26.10: "In the future, drier conditions threaten agriculture and water supplies in parts of the Southern Great Plains (brown), while more precipitation is projected near the northern and eastern boundaries of the region (green). Under an intermediate scenario (SSP2-4.5), total annual precipitation is projected to decrease by 4% or more (as compared to the 1991-2020 average) in southern Texas by midcentury (a), with smaller differences expected by century's end (b). Under a very high scenario (SSP5-8.5), annual precipitation is projected to decline slightly in western portions of the region by midcentury (c) and by 4% or more in southeast and far northwest Texas by the century's end (d)" (17).


    These factors will have severe impacts on agriculture and land use across the region, including “loss of livestock and crops, reduced income, and negative public health outcomes;” for example, compound events that combine “hot, dry, and windy conditions have increased in southwest Kansas… reducing wheat yields proportionally” to the number of these events (17). Other specific impacts include: 

  • Sources and quality of water are in question due to changes in precipitation and temperature; for example, transient wetlands in the western SGP are essential for irrigation, livestock, and ecological diversity (15). These wetlands are threatened by high rates of evaporation or nutrient-rich runoff from floods (15). Other essential sources of water include groundwater and aquifers, which are threatened by “increasing air and water temperatures, more frequent and severe drought, more intense rainfall events, and changes in rainfall frequency and timing” (19). Changes to water quality will result in exposure to pathogens and pollutants, particularly for “older adults, children, and residents of low-income neighborhoods and rural areas” (3). 
  • Water shortages are projected to increase in intensity and duration, and water is not evenly available across locations and demographics (15). 
  • Evapotranspiration, or evaporated and transpired water from the environment, is an important factor in water availability and greatly affects irrigation water demand (2). Actual evapotranspiration is projected to decrease in the Southern Great Plains as a result of increasing aridity (2). 
  • Land use change and land fragmentation have led to an increase in invasive species; both rangeland and grasslands are contending with woody plant encroachment due to changes in precipitation or fire suppression (16). 
  • Renewable energy production is shifting land use, with the Southern Great Plains region as a whole accounting for 42% of the United States’ wind-generated power (17). New wind installations support local tax bases, provide funding for local services, and create infrastructure (17). Wind turbine productivity in western Kansas, specifically, is “projected to increase with climate change because of a more stable low-level jet stream - a regional atmospheric feature that generates strong winds at turbine height, particularly at night during spring and summer” (17). 

    “The Southern Great Plains contributes a large share to total US wind-generated electricity” (17)


    Figure 26.6: "US producers in the 50 states generated 435 million megawatt-hours of electricity from wind power in 2022. Together, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas contributed 159 million megawatt-hours, or 42% of total US production. Data were not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean" (17)


  • Longer growing seasons are occurring due to warmer average temperatures, affecting a variety of species differently; potential impacts include the disruption of “the long-term natural connection between plants and their pollinators or between insects and their predators” (17). 
  • Plant hardiness zones are shifting northward due to warming winter temperatures (17). 
  • As both temperatures and aridity increase, vegetation water needs are projected to increase as well (increasing the climatic water deficit, a measure of water availability related to vegetation requirements) (2). 
  • In western Kansas, the potential for bud burst before the last freeze is projected to increase due to a “combination of cold fronts and earlier springs;” this will cause “plant-leaf and wood-tissue damage” (17). 

    “The risk of plant bud burst before the last freeze is projected to increase for the northern portion of the Southern Great Plains. The risk decreases for the southern portion of the region” (17)


    Figure 26.9: "Freezing temperatures after plants begin growth in spring (late false spring) can damage crops and nursery plants. Risk of a late false spring is projected to increase in northern parts of the Southern Great Plains by the end of the century (2071-2100) as compared to the 1991-2020 average. The risk of late false springs increases by up to 20% across most of Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Texas under an intermediate scenario (SSP2-4.5; panel a) and across most of Kansas, the Texas Panhandle, and parts of Oklahoma under a very high scenario (SSP5-8.5; panel b). Risk decreases for the remainder of the region, especially in southern and far western Texas under a very high scenario" (17).


  • Lowered crop productivity and increasing irrigation costs due to drier conditions and increased drought (17). 
  • Impacts of drought and high temperatures on livestock include increased demands for feeding, risks to animal health, and reduced “capacity of native rangelands and planted pastures to support livestock” (17). These impacts have already been observed in events such as Kansas’ June 2022 heatwave that resulted in the deaths of thousands of cattle (17). 
  • Traditional and cultural practices have been impacted by the changing climate as ranges of culturally significant species shift, affecting Indigenous peoples, cultures, and communities (16). 
  • Outdoor workers’ health and productivity: Increase in temperatures and precipitation leads to an increase in heat-related illnesses, along with inflated product costs and disrupted supply chains (17). 
  • Impacts to health and physical activity: Residents of the Southern Great Plains have been affected by climate extremes that increase their risk of severe or fatal health issues (18). Due to this risk, people have been less inclined to participate in physical and outdoor activities, particularly for older adults and individuals with a chronic disease or high body mass index (18). Barriers to physical activities, such as team sports, are also increased for low-income adults and families due to increasing participation costs exacerbated by climate impacts (18).

    “Climate change is expected to affect many outdoor sports, recreational, and leisure activities” (18).


    Figure 26.12: "Outdoor sports, recreational, and leisure activities for people of all ages are being affected by climate extremes. Heavy rainfall, poor air quality, and extreme heat are expected to increase with climate change. These stressors impair athletic performance, damage sports facilities, and alter landscapes for recreation and tourism" (18).



    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • The Tribal Alliance for Pollinators is working to preserve and restore grasslands for threatened pollinators, building on Indigenous “cultural and medicinal traditions” (16). 
  • Kansas’ Sheridan and Thomas Counties have self-imposed water restrictions that reduced water use from irrigation by 26% with no impacts to crop acreage; self-imposed restrictions such as these are options for communities to conserve water while exploring “more efficient irrigation technologies and management practices” (17). 
  • Kansas Soil Health Alliance is working to “support carbon storage through soil and land stewardship” (17). 

    Nebraska - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, Nebraska is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (16). Communities in the NGP are often rural, economically relying on land-based industries such as agriculture, ranching, and recreation (16). Climate change has had a multitude of impacts on agriculture and land use, including: 

  • Changes in the timing and form of precipitation, increases in heavy precipitation events that also increase annual runoff, and changes to soil moisture and groundwater (2).These changes result in “reduced water availability for human and agricultural uses, decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations, and [the degradation of] hazard-mitigating ecosystems” like native grasslands that provide “habitat, recreation, and aesthetic” benefits (11). 
  • Flood and drought events are increasing and intensified by climate change, which can “reduce agricultural productivity and strain water systems” (3). 
  • Growing seasons and frost-free periods are lengthening” due to rising temperatures, which may be beneficial for some crops; however, crop yields will be negatively impacted due to “heat and moisture stress… increase weed competition, and pest expansion” (18). These changes are apparent through shifts in plant hardiness zones, “a common metric for plant appropriateness for a given local climate,” due to changes in climate (see figure 11.3 below). 

    “Plant hardiness zones are projected to shift northward throughout this century” (13)


    Figure 11.3: "Plant hardiness zones help local farmers and gardeners identify optimal crops to plant and when to plant them. Hardiness zones are projected to migrate northward as the climate warms. The maps show plant hardiness zones for (a) present-day (1991-2020) climate normals, and (b) midcentury (2036-2065) and (c) late century (2071-2100) under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).


  • Higher carbon dioxide concentrations are projected to benefit the productivity of many crops, “increasing aboveground net primary productivity but decreasing nutritional quality” (18). However, a decrease in available water resources due to drought would cause an opposite effect by “reducing biomass production, concentrating nutrients, and increasing forage quality” (18). 
  • The “net effect of climate change on specific crop yields is uncertain and will depend on the interactions of temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ozone, as well as adaptation through shifts in cultivars, crop mix, and management practices” (18). 
  • Loss of biodiversity due to the conversion of grasslands to monoculture cropland and the spread of invasive species (17, 13). Specifically, invasive cool-season grasses are reducing biodiversity; for more information, see the NC CASC’s 2023 RCAP, “Climate Change Impacts on Introduced Cool Season (C3) Grasses in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA” (17). 
  • Ecosystem structure is changing as a result of climate change, which can be gradual or abrupt and “depend[s] in part on ecosystem characteristics and key species” (9).  Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more resilient to changes; therefore, increased protection and “reduced fragmentation and degradation of ecosystems” is critical for vulnerable ecosystems (9). Examples include dry forests and woodlands, which after experiencing drought and wildfire are transforming into grasslands and shrublands; sagebrush shrublands experiencing wildfire, invasive species, land use change, and climate change are transforming into non-native grasslands; and Great Plains grasslands, as they experience warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, are becoming woodlands (9). 

    “Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse” (9)


    Figure 8.6: "In the western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).


  • Outbreaks of spruce and mountain pine beetles have become more frequent; while these beetles are a natural part of ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains, they are kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (5). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (5). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (5). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (5). 

    "Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.5: "The figure shows recently documented effects, specific to individual forest types, that have been attributed to climate change and climate-related disturbances. Effects include increased tree mortality across all types with high confidence, changes in forest structure with variable confidence, less carbon storage across three of the four forest types, and variable shifts in plant species composition. Confidence levels reflect the uncertainty in attributions based on available literature. Arrows indicate the direction of change where suitable data exist. In the case of temperate forests, structure is changing but not in a unidirectional way. Boreal forest reflects changes only in Alaska. Assessments in the figure are based on recent relevant literature, and citations can be found in the metadata. Adapted with permission from Figure SPM.2 in IPCC 2022" (5).


  • Decrease in pollinator populations as land use changes threaten their critical habitat (17). 
  • The relationship between Indigenous communities and traditional foods, medicines, and plants is threatened by changes in growing and harvesting seasons as well as changes in species composition (18). For example, above average temperatures in 2017 caused a delay in the harvest and availability of medicines and berries - specifically, wild turnips and chokecherries - for Lakota communities (18). Communities that rely on “hunting, fishing, foraging, and subsistence farming” for food are also at risk of food insecurity due to changes in climate (14). 
  • Impacts on livestock have been minimal so far compared to other regions in the United States, but as changes in temperature and precipitation occur, ranchers will face challenges in “managing livestock health due to heat stress, parasites, pathogens, and managing shifts in forage species” (18). 
  • The interaction between environmental and social stressors has caused rising land prices, the expansion of cropland into less productive areas, and land ownership concentration trends (18). In addition, communities of color are experiencing additional barriers due to “discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism” (11). 
  • Tourism and recreation industries are vulnerable to impacts from climate change; fishing and water-based activities will be severely impacted as changes in temperature and precipitation affect water levels, fish species, and competition between water recreation uses (18). In addition, wildfire smoke shortened visits to the Northern Great Plains, resulting in a loss of income for local communities (18). The length of the winter recreation season will decrease, negatively impacting economies; however, “shoulder season” recreation opportunities may be expanded, providing additional opportunities for tourists (18, 6). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as temperatures increase and soil moisture decreases; communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (19). For example, converting row crops to grassland would “enhance ecosystem services such as wildlife, flood retention, nutrient stabilization, and carbon sequestration” and change local industries from agriculture to “forage, animal products, native plant seed, biofuel from grass, increased hunting on private land, and carbon credits” (19). However, this comes with its own set of trade-offs and challenges that communities must consider and navigate (19). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?


  • Communities in the Northern Great Plains, including rural communities with “economic dependence on single-sector or resource-based economies,” are “developing innovative climate adaptation solutions to support livelihoods” to increase resilience (11, 20). Many of these solutions may support multiple goals, such as solutions to protect economic interests that “also support mitigation by sequestering carbon,” or improving soil quality, which will increase resilience to flood and drought events, enhance “carbon and nitrogen cycling and soil structure, increase soil microbial communities, and lower pest communities while reducing inputs and leading to greater yields and profitability” (20). Furthermore, “reintegrating row crop and livestock systems could diversify income, increase operation resilience, and restore ecosystem services” (20). 
  • Implementation of demand-management programs, where water users are compensated for voluntarily reducing consumption, are being considered by organizations such as the Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) in the “Upper Division states of the basin, including Wyoming” (20). These programs would encourage communities to adapt strategic water use strategies without sacrificing profit from agriculture or other industries (20). 
  • Smaller-scale watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs, which can assist farmers and ranchers who rely heavily on these resources (16). These groups include the Brush Creek Irrigation District and the Popo Agie Watershed Healthy Rivers Initiative in Wyoming (20). 
  • The development of drought plans by rights holders and ranchers can help communities plan for necessary drought responses, such as “adjusting the number of cattle, the season of grazing, the length of grazing time in pastures based on precipitation and vegetation growth, or holistic planned grazing strategies that manage for ecosystem health by adapting to changing conditions” (20). As many as 60% of ranchers in the NGP have a drought plan of some kind, but increased inclusion of climate data could help to increase the efficacy of these plans; these efforts can be supported by “translating climate outlooks into usable information for ranchers” (20). 
  • Drought plans incorporating climate change data can be developed for agriculture, as well; for example, the 2022 Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) listed climate change “as a primary challenge to both dryland and irrigated agriculture… due to earlier snowmelt, increased evapotranspiration, and less water available for irrigation” (20). 
  • Public land managers, including agencies such as the National Parks Service, have “adapted scenario-based planning to help natural and cultural resource managers… work with uncertainty and address the ways change might plausibly occur” (20). For more information on scenario-based planning, see Figure 25.12 (below) or check out a publication on scenario-based decisionmaking led by several NC CASC scientists. Additionally, learn more about NC CASC’s current projects, including those about scenario-based planning, here
  • “Scenario-based planning accounts for uncertainty by considering a range of ways in which change might occur” (16) 


    Figure 25.12: "Forecast-based planning uses predictions of a single future (b), whereas scenario-based planning works with a set of plausible futures that capture a broad range of potential future conditions, providing a framework to support decisions under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Scenario-based planning at Wind Cave National Park identified four potential outcomes (a, c) for grassland and pine forest vegetation, surface water availability, and American bison (Bison bison) and prairie dog colonies under different climate futures - very dry and droughty (brown), frequent droughts (red), generally drier (green), and a bit wetter (blue) - all of which have different management implications for the natural and cultural resources in the park. Each dot in the graph represents a climate projection, and the set of four circled projections collectively encompasses most of the range of ways in which drought and springtime moisture levels could change by midcentury. SPEI - the Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index - is a multi-scalar drought index, based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, that is used to identify wet and dry periods in a given location. A zero value indicates average moisture balance, positive values signify above-average wetness, and negative values represent drier-than-average conditions. SPEI-3 is a three-monthly SPEI calculation, and this fugure shows values for April - June. Adapted from Schuurman et al. 2022 and Runyon et al. 2021" (16).


  • Adaptation strategies, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) and the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle, are additional tools for rights holders and managers (9). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here

    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems” (9)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (9).


  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). 
  • Natural resource management responses, including “increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, assisting species migration, and expanding protection activities,” can address climate changes by increasing resilience (10). 
  • Forestry and silvicultural practices, such as “thinning to reduce tree densities, can be used to increase the resistance and resilience of some forests to bark beetles” (5). In addition, reforestation practices, “including where species are planted and which species and genotypes are planted, will facilitate adaptation to future climatic conditions” (7).


    South Dakota - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, South Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (16). Communities in the NGP are often rural, economically relying on land-based industries such as agriculture, ranching, and recreation (16). Climate change has had a multitude of impacts on agriculture and land use, including: 

  • Changes in the timing and form of precipitation, increases in heavy precipitation events that also increase annual runoff, and changes to soil moisture and groundwater (16).These changes result in “reduced water availability for human and agricultural uses, decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations, and [the degradation of] hazard-mitigating ecosystems” like native grasslands that provide “habitat, recreation, and aesthetic” benefits (11). 
  • Flood and drought events are increasing and intensified by climate change, which can “reduce agricultural productivity and strain water systems” (3). 
  • Growing seasons and frost-free periods are lengthening” due to rising temperatures, which may be beneficial for some crops; however, crop yields will be negatively impacted due to “heat and moisture stress… increase weed competition, and pest expansion” (18). These changes are apparent through shifts in plant hardiness zones, “a common metric for plant appropriateness for a given local climate,” due to changes in climate (see Figure 11.3 below). 

    “Plant hardiness zones are projected to shift northward throughout this century” (13)


    Figure 11.3: "Plant hardiness zones help local farmers and gardeners identify optimal crops to plant and when to plant them. Hardiness zones are projected to migrate northward as the climate warms. The maps show plant hardiness zones for (a) present-day (1991-2020) climate normals, and (b) midcentury (2036-2065) and (c) late century (2071-2100) under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).


  • Higher carbon dioxide concentrations are projected to benefit the productivity of many crops, “increasing above-ground net primary productivity but decreasing nutritional quality” (18). However, a decrease in available water resources due to drought would cause an opposite effect by “reducing biomass production, concentrating nutrients, and increasing forage quality” (18). 
  • The “net effect of climate change on specific crop yields is uncertain and will depend on the interactions of temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ozone, as well as adaptation through shifts in cultivars, crop mix, and management practices” (18). 
  • Loss of biodiversity due to the conversion of grasslands to monoculture cropland and the spread of invasive species (17, 13). Specifically, invasive cool-season grasses are reducing biodiversity; for more information, see the NC CASC’s 2023 RCAP, “Climate Change Impacts on Introduced Cool Season (C3) Grasses in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA” (17). 
  • Ecosystem structure is changing as a result of climate change, which can be gradual or abrupt and “depend[s] in part on ecosystem characteristics and key species” (9).  Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more resilient to changes; therefore, increased protection and “reduced fragmentation and degradation of ecosystems” is critical for vulnerable ecosystems (9). Examples include dry forests and woodlands, which after experiencing drought and wildfire are transforming into grasslands and shrublands; sagebrush shrublands experiencing wildfire, invasive species, land use change, and climate change are transforming into non-native grasslands; and Great Plains grasslands, as they experience warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, are becoming woodlands (9). 

    “Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse” (9)


    Figure 8.6: "In the western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).


  • Outbreaks of spruce and mountain pine beetles have become more frequent; while these beetles are a natural part of ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains, they are kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (5). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (5). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (5). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (5). 

    “Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.5: "The figure shows recently documented effects, specific to individual forest types, that have been attributed to climate change and climate-related disturbances. Effects include increased tree mortality across all types with high confidence, changes in forest structure with variable confidence, less carbon storage across three of the four forest types, and variable shifts in plant species composition. Confidence levels reflect the uncertainty in attributions based on available literature. Arrows indicate the direction of change where suitable data exist. In the case of temperate forests, structure is changing but not in a unidirectional way. Boreal forest reflects changes only in Alaska. Assessments in the figure are based on recent relevant literature, and citations can be found in the metadata. Adapted with permission from Figure SPM.2 in IPCC 2022" (5).


  • Decrease in pollinator populations as land use change threatens critical habitat (17). 
  • The relationship between Indigenous communities and traditional foods, medicines, and plants is threatened by changes in growing and harvesting seasons as well as changes in species composition (18). For example, above average temperatures in 2017 caused a delay in the harvest and availability of medicines and berries - specifically, wild turnips and chokecherries - for Lakota communities (18). Communities that rely on “hunting, fishing, foraging, and subsistence farming” for food are also at risk of food insecurity due to changes in climate (14). 
  • Impacts on livestock have been minimal so far compared to other regions in the United States, but as changes in temperature and precipitation occur, ranchers will face challenges in “managing livestock health due to heat stress, parasites, pathogens, and managing shifts in forage species” (18). 
  • The interaction between environmental and social stressors has caused rising land prices, the expansion of cropland into less productive areas, and land ownership concentration trends (18). In addition, communities of color are experiencing additional barriers due to “discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism” (11). 
  • Tourism and recreation industries are vulnerable to impacts from climate change; fishing and water-based activities will be severely impacted as changes in temperature and precipitation affect water levels, fish species, and competition between water recreation uses (18). In addition, wildfire smoke shortened visits to the Northern Great Plains, resulting in a loss of income for local communities (18). The length of the winter recreation season will decrease, negatively impacting economies, particularly in South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming; however, “shoulder season” recreation opportunities may be expanded, providing additional opportunities for tourists (18, 6). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as temperatures increase and soil moisture decreases; communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (19). For example, converting row crops to grassland would “enhance ecosystem services such as wildlife, flood retention, nutrient stabilization, and carbon sequestration” and change local industries from agriculture to “forage, animal products, native plant seed, biofuel from grass, increased hunting on private land, and carbon credits” (19). However, this comes with its own set of trade-offs and challenges that communities must consider and navigate (19). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?


  • Communities in the Northern Great Plains, including rural communities with “economic dependence on single-sector or resource-based economies,” are “developing innovative climate adaptation solutions to support livelihoods” to increase resilience (11, 20). Many of these solutions may support multiple goals, such as solutions to protect economic interests that “also support mitigation by sequestering carbon,” or improving soil quality, which will increase resilience to flood and drought events, enhance “carbon and nitrogen cycling and soil structure, increase soil microbial communities, and lower pest communities while reducing inputs and leading to greater yields and profitability” (20). Furthermore, “reintegrating row crop and livestock systems could diversify income, increase operation resilience, and restore ecosystem services” (20). 
  • Implementation of demand-management programs, where water users are compensated for voluntarily reducing consumption, are being considered by organizations such as the Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) in the “Upper Division states of the basin, including Wyoming” (20). These programs would encourage communities to adapt strategic water use strategies without sacrificing profit from agriculture or other industries (20). 
  • Smaller-scale watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs, which can assist farmers and ranchers who rely heavily on these resources (16). These groups include the Brush Creek Irrigation District and the Popo Agie Watershed Healthy Rivers Initiative in Wyoming (20). 
  • The development of drought plans by rights holders and ranchers can help communities plan for necessary drought responses, such as “adjusting the number of cattle, the season of grazing, the length of grazing time in pastures based on precipitation and vegetation growth, or holistic planned grazing strategies that manage for ecosystem health by adapting to changing conditions” (20). As many as 60% of ranchers in the NGP have a drought plan of some kind, but increased inclusion of climate data could help to increase the efficacy of these plans; these efforts can be supported by “translating climate outlooks into usable information for ranchers” (20). 
  • Drought plans incorporating climate change data can be developed for agriculture, as well; for example, the 2022 Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) listed climate change “as a primary challenge to both dryland and irrigated agriculture… due to earlier snowmelt, increased evapotranspiration, and less water available for irrigation” (20). 
  • Public land managers, including agencies such as the National Parks Service, have “adapted scenario-based planning to help natural and cultural resource managers… work with uncertainty and address the ways change might plausibly occur” (20). For more information on scenario-based planning, see Figure 25.12 (below) or check out a publication on scenario-based decisionmaking led by several NC CASC scientists. Additionally, learn more about NC CASC’s current projects, including those about scenario-based planning, here
  • “Scenario-based planning accounts for uncertainty by considering a range of ways in which change might occur” (16)


    Figure 25.12: "Forecast-based planning uses predictions of a single future (b), whereas scenario-based planning works with a set of plausible futures that capture a broad range of potential future conditions, providing a framework to support decisions under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Scenario-based planning at Wind Cave National Park identified four potential outcomes (a, c) for grassland and pine forest vegetation, surface water availability, and American bison (Bison bison) and prairie dog colonies under different climate futures - very dry and droughty (brown), frequent droughts (red), generally drier (green), and a bit wetter (blue) - all of which have different management implications for the natural and cultural resources in the park. Each dot in the graph represents a climate projection, and the set of four circled projections collectively encompasses most of the range of ways in which drought and springtime moisture levels could change by midcentury. SPEI - the Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index - is a multi-scalar drought index, based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, that is used to identify wet and dry periods in a given location. A zero value indicates average moisture balance, positive values signify above-average wetness, and negative values represent drier-than-average conditions. SPEI-3 is a three-monthly SPEI calculation, and this fugure shows values for April - June. Adapted from Schuurman et al. 2022 and Runyon et al. 2021" (16).


  • Adaptation strategies, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) and the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle, are additional tools for rights holders and managers (9). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here

    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems” (9)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (9).


  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). 
  • Natural resource management responses, including “increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, assisting species migration, and expanding protection activities,” can address climate changes by increasing resilience (10). 
  • Forestry and silvicultural practices, such as “thinning to reduce tree densities, can be used to increase the resistance and resilience of some forests to bark beetles” (5). In addition, reforestation practices, “including where species are planted and which species and genotypes are planted, will facilitate adaptation to future climatic conditions” (7).


    North Dakota - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, North Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (16). Communities in the NGP are often rural, economically relying on land-based industries such as agriculture, ranching, and recreation (16). Climate change has had a multitude of impacts on agriculture and land use, including: 

  • Changes in the timing and form of precipitation, increases in heavy precipitation events that also increase annual runoff, and changes to soil moisture and groundwater (2).These changes result in “reduced water availability for human and agricultural uses, decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations, and [the degradation of] hazard-mitigating ecosystems” like native grasslands that provide “habitat, recreation, and aesthetic” benefits (11). 
  • Flood and drought events are increasing and intensified by climate change, which can “reduce agricultural productivity and strain water systems” (3). 
  • Growing seasons and frost-free periods are lengthening” due to rising temperatures, which may be beneficial for some crops; however, crop yields will be negatively impacted due to “heat and moisture stress… increase weed competition, and pest expansion” (18). These changes are apparent through shifts in plant hardiness zones, “a common metric for plant appropriateness for a given local climate,” due to changes in climate (see figure 11.3 below). 

    “Plant hardiness zones are projected to shift northward throughout this century” (13)


    Figure 11.3: "Plant hardiness zones help local farmers and gardeners identify optimal crops to plant and when to plant them. Hardiness zones are projected to migrate northward as the climate warms. The maps show plant hardiness zones for (a) present-day (1991-2020) climate normals, and (b) midcentury (2036-2065) and (c) late century (2071-2100) under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).


  • Higher carbon dioxide concentrations are projected to benefit the productivity of many crops, “increasing aboveground net primary productivity but decreasing nutritional quality” (18). However, a decrease in available water resources due to drought would cause an opposite effect by “reducing biomass production, concentrating nutrients, and increasing forage quality” (18). 
  • The “net effect of climate change on specific crop yields is uncertain and will depend on the interactions of temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ozone, as well as adaptation through shifts in cultivars, crop mix, and management practices” (18). 
  • Loss of biodiversity due to the conversion of grasslands to monoculture cropland and the spread of invasive species (17, 13). Specifically, invasive cool-season grasses are reducing biodiversity; for more information, see the NC CASC’s 2023 RCAP, “Climate Change Impacts on Introduced Cool Season (C3) Grasses in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA” (17). 
  • Ecosystem structure is changing as a result of climate change, which can be gradual or abrupt and “depend[s] in part on ecosystem characteristics and key species” (9).  Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more resilient to changes; therefore, increased protection and “reduced fragmentation and degradation of ecosystems” is critical for vulnerable ecosystems (9). Examples include dry forests and woodlands, which after experiencing drought and wildfire are transforming into grasslands and shrublands; sagebrush shrublands experiencing wildfire, invasive species, land use change, and climate change are transforming into non-native grasslands; and Great Plains grasslands, as they experience warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, are becoming woodlands (9). 

    “Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse” (9)


    Figure 8.6: "In the western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).


  • Outbreaks of spruce and mountain pine beetles have become more frequent; while these beetles are a natural part of ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains, they are kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (5). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (5). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (5). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (5). 

    “Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.5: "The figure shows recently documented effects, specific to individual forest types, that have been attributed to climate change and climate-related disturbances. Effects include increased tree mortality across all types with high confidence, changes in forest structure with variable confidence, less carbon storage across three of the four forest types, and variable shifts in plant species composition. Confidence levels reflect the uncertainty in attributions based on available literature. Arrows indicate the direction of change where suitable data exist. In the case of temperate forests, structure is changing but not in a unidirectional way. Boreal forest reflects changes only in Alaska. Assessments in the figure are based on recent relevant literature, and citations can be found in the metadata. Adapted with permission from Figure SPM.2 in IPCC 2022" (5).


  • Decrease in pollinator populations as land use change threatens critical habitat (17). 
  • The relationship between Indigenous communities and traditional foods, medicines, and plants is threatened by changes in growing and harvesting seasons as well as changes in species composition (18). For example, above average temperatures in 2017 caused a delay in the harvest and availability of medicines and berries - specifically, wild turnips and chokecherries - for Lakota communities (18). Communities that rely on “hunting, fishing, foraging, and subsistence farming” for food are also at risk of food insecurity due to changes in climate (14). 
  • Impacts on livestock have been minimal so far compared to other regions in the United States, but as changes in temperature and precipitation occur, ranchers will face challenges in “managing livestock health due to heat stress, parasites, pathogens, and managing shifts in forage species” (18). 
  • The interaction between environmental and social stressors has caused rising land prices, the expansion of cropland into less productive areas, and land ownership concentration trends (18). In addition, communities of color are experiencing additional barriers due to “discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism” (11). 
  • Tourism and recreation industries are vulnerable to impacts from climate change; fishing and water-based activities will be severely impacted as changes in temperature and precipitation affect water levels, fish species, and competition between water recreation uses (18). In addition, wildfire smoke shortened visits to the Northern Great Plains, resulting in a loss of income for local communities (18). The length of the winter recreation season will decrease, negatively impacting economies; however, “shoulder season” recreation opportunities may be expanded, providing additional opportunities for tourists (18, 6). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as temperatures increase and soil moisture decreases; communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (19). For example, converting row crops to grassland would “enhance ecosystem services such as wildlife, flood retention, nutrient stabilization, and carbon sequestration” and change local industries from agriculture to “forage, animal products, native plant seed, biofuel from grass, increased hunting on private land, and carbon credits” (19). However, this comes with its own set of trade-offs and challenges that communities must consider and navigate (19). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?


  • Communities in the Northern Great Plains, including rural communities with “economic dependence on single-sector or resource-based economies,” are “developing innovative climate adaptation solutions to support livelihoods” to increase resilience (11, 20). Many of these solutions may support multiple goals, such as solutions to protect economic interests that “also support mitigation by sequestering carbon,” or improving soil quality, which will increase resilience to flood and drought events, enhance “carbon and nitrogen cycling and soil structure, increase soil microbial communities, and lower pest communities while reducing inputs and leading to greater yields and profitability” (20). Furthermore, “reintegrating row crop and livestock systems could diversify income, increase operation resilience, and restore ecosystem services” (20). 
  • Implementation of demand-management programs, where water users are compensated for voluntarily reducing consumption, are being considered by organizations such as the Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) in the “Upper Division states of the basin, including Wyoming” (20). These programs would encourage communities to adapt strategic water use strategies without sacrificing profit from agriculture or other industries (20). 
  • Smaller-scale watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs, which can assist farmers and ranchers who rely heavily on these resources (16). These groups include the Brush Creek Irrigation District and the Popo Agie Watershed Healthy Rivers Initiative in Wyoming (20). 
  • The development of drought plans by rights holders and ranchers can help communities plan for necessary drought responses, such as “adjusting the number of cattle, the season of grazing, the length of grazing time in pastures based on precipitation and vegetation growth, or holistic planned grazing strategies that manage for ecosystem health by adapting to changing conditions” (20). As many as 60% of ranchers in the NGP have a drought plan of some kind, but increased inclusion of climate data could help to increase the efficacy of these plans; these efforts can be supported by “translating climate outlooks into usable information for ranchers” (20). 
  • Drought plans incorporating climate change data can be developed for agriculture, as well; for example, the 2022 Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) listed climate change “as a primary challenge to both dryland and irrigated agriculture… due to earlier snowmelt, increased evapotranspiration, and less water available for irrigation” (20). 
  • Public land managers, including agencies such as the National Parks Service, have “adapted scenario-based planning to help natural and cultural resource managers… work with uncertainty and address the ways change might plausibly occur” (20). For more information on scenario-based planning, see Figure 25.12 (below) or check out a publication on scenario-based decisionmaking led by several NC CASC scientists. Additionally, learn more about NC CASC’s current projects, including those about scenario-based planning, here
  • “Scenario-based planning accounts for uncertainty by considering a range of ways in which change might occur” (16)


    Figure 25.12: "Forecast-based planning uses predictions of a single future (b), whereas scenario-based planning works with a set of plausible futures that capture a broad range of potential future conditions, providing a framework to support decisions under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Scenario-based planning at Wind Cave National Park identified four potential outcomes (a, c) for grassland and pine forest vegetation, surface water availability, and American bison (Bison bison) and prairie dog colonies under different climate futures - very dry and droughty (brown), frequent droughts (red), generally drier (green), and a bit wetter (blue) - all of which have different management implications for the natural and cultural resources in the park. Each dot in the graph represents a climate projection, and the set of four circled projections collectively encompasses most of the range of ways in which drought and springtime moisture levels could change by midcentury. SPEI - the Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index - is a multi-scalar drought index, based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, that is used to identify wet and dry periods in a given location. A zero value indicates average moisture balance, positive values signify above-average wetness, and negative values represent drier-than-average conditions. SPEI-3 is a three-monthly SPEI calculation, and this fugure shows values for April - June. Adapted from Schuurman et al. 2022 and Runyon et al. 2021" (16).


  • Adaptation strategies, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) and the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle, are additional tools for rights holders and managers (9). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here

    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems” (9)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (9).


  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). 
  • Natural resource management responses, including “increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, assisting species migration, and expanding protection activities,” can address climate changes by increasing resilience (10). 
  • Forestry and silvicultural practices, such as “thinning to reduce tree densities, can be used to increase the resistance and resilience of some forests to bark beetles” (5). In addition, reforestation practices, “including where species are planted and which species and genotypes are planted, will facilitate adaptation to future climatic conditions” (7).
  • Montana - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, Montana is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (16). Communities in the NGP are often rural, economically relying on land-based industries such as agriculture, ranching, and recreation (16). Climate change has had a multitude of impacts on agriculture and land use, including: 

  • Changes in the timing and form of precipitation, increases in heavy precipitation events that also increase annual runoff, and changes to soil moisture and groundwater (2).These changes result in “reduced water availability for human and agricultural uses, decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations, and [the degradation of] hazard-mitigating ecosystems” like native grasslands that provide “habitat, recreation, and aesthetic” benefits (11). 
  • Flood and drought events are increasing and intensified by climate change, which can “reduce agricultural productivity and strain water systems” (3). 
  • Growing seasons and frost-free periods are lengthening” due to rising temperatures, which may be beneficial for some crops; however, crop yields will be negatively impacted due to “heat and moisture stress… increase weed competition, and pest expansion” (18). These changes are apparent through shifts in plant hardiness zones, “a common metric for plant appropriateness for a given local climate,” due to changes in climate (see figure 11.3 below). 
  • “Plant hardiness zones are projected to shift northward throughout this century” (13)


    Figure 11.3: "Plant hardiness zones help local farmers and gardeners identify optimal crops to plant and when to plant them. Hardiness zones are projected to migrate northward as the climate warms. The maps show plant hardiness zones for (a) present-day (1991-2020) climate normals, and (b) midcentury (2036-2065) and (c) late century (2071-2100) under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).


  • Higher carbon dioxide concentrations are projected to benefit the productivity of many crops, “increasing aboveground net primary productivity but decreasing nutritional quality” (18). However, a decrease in available water resources due to drought would cause an opposite effect by “reducing biomass production, concentrating nutrients, and increasing forage quality” (18). 
  • The “net effect of climate change on specific crop yields is uncertain and will depend on the interactions of temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ozone, as well as adaptation through shifts in cultivars, crop mix, and management practices” (18). 
  • Loss of biodiversity due to the conversion of grasslands to monoculture cropland and the spread of invasive species (17, 13). Specifically, invasive cool-season grasses are reducing biodiversity; for more information, see the NC CASC’s 2023 RCAP, “Climate Change Impacts on Introduced Cool Season (C3) Grasses in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA” (17). 
  • Ecosystem structure is changing as a result of climate change, which can be gradual or abrupt and “depend[s] in part on ecosystem characteristics and key species” (9).  Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more resilient to changes; therefore, increased protection and “reduced fragmentation and degradation of ecosystems” is critical for vulnerable ecosystems (9). Examples include dry forests and woodlands, which after experiencing drought and wildfire are transforming into grasslands and shrublands; sagebrush shrublands experiencing wildfire, invasive species, land use change, and climate change are transforming into non-native grasslands; and Great Plains grasslands, as they experience warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, are becoming woodlands (9). 
  • “Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse” (9)


    Figure 8.6: "In the western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).


  • Outbreaks of spruce and mountain pine beetles have become more frequent; while these beetles are a natural part of ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains, they are kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (5). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (5). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (5). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (5). 
  • “Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.5: "The figure shows recently documented effects, specific to individual forest types, that have been attributed to climate change and climate-related disturbances. Effects include increased tree mortality across all types with high confidence, changes in forest structure with variable confidence, less carbon storage across three of the four forest types, and variable shifts in plant species composition. Confidence levels reflect the uncertainty in attributions based on available literature. Arrows indicate the direction of change where suitable data exist. In the case of temperate forests, structure is changing but not in a unidirectional way. Boreal forest reflects changes only in Alaska. Assessments in the figure are based on recent relevant literature, and citations can be found in the metadata. Adapted with permission from Figure SPM.2 in IPCC 2022" (5).


  • Decrease in pollinator populations as land use change threatens critical habitat (17). 
  • The relationship between Indigenous communities and traditional foods, medicines, and plants is threatened by changes in growing and harvesting seasons as well as changes in species composition (18). For example, above average temperatures in 2017 caused a delay in the harvest and availability of medicines and berries - specifically, wild turnips and chokecherries - for Lakota communities (18). Communities that rely on “hunting, fishing, foraging, and subsistence farming” for food are also at risk of food insecurity due to changes in climate (14). 
  • Impacts on livestock have been minimal so far compared to other regions in the United States, but as changes in temperature and precipitation occur, ranchers will face challenges in “managing livestock health due to heat stress, parasites, pathogens, and managing shifts in forage species” (18). 
  • The interaction between environmental and social stressors has caused rising land prices, the expansion of cropland into less productive areas, and land ownership concentration trends (18). In addition, communities of color are experiencing additional barriers due to “discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism” (11). 
  • Tourism and recreation industries are vulnerable to impacts from climate change; fishing and water-based activities will be severely impacted as changes in temperature and precipitation affect water levels, fish species, and competition between water recreation uses (18). In addition, wildfire smoke shortened visits to the Northern Great Plains, resulting in a loss of income for local communities (18). The length of the winter recreation season will decrease, negatively impacting economies, particularly in Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota; however, “shoulder season” recreation opportunities may be expanded, providing additional opportunities for tourists (18, 6). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as temperatures increase and soil moisture decreases; communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (19). For example, converting row crops to grassland would “enhance ecosystem services such as wildlife, flood retention, nutrient stabilization, and carbon sequestration” and change local industries from agriculture to “forage, animal products, native plant seed, biofuel from grass, increased hunting on private land, and carbon credits” (19). However, this comes with its own set of trade-offs and challenges that communities must consider and navigate (19). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?


  • Communities in the Northern Great Plains, including rural communities with “economic dependence on single-sector or resource-based economies,” are “developing innovative climate adaptation solutions to support livelihoods” to increase resilience (11, 20). Many of these solutions may support multiple goals, such as solutions to protect economic interests that “also support mitigation by sequestering carbon,” or improving soil quality, which will increase resilience to flood and drought events, enhance “carbon and nitrogen cycling and soil structure, increase soil microbial communities, and lower pest communities while reducing inputs and leading to greater yields and profitability” (20). Furthermore, “reintegrating row crop and livestock systems could diversify income, increase operation resilience, and restore ecosystem services” (20). 
  • Implementation of demand-management programs, where water users are compensated for voluntarily reducing consumption, are being considered by organizations such as the Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) in the “Upper Division states of the basin, including Wyoming” (20). These programs would encourage communities to adapt strategic water use strategies without sacrificing profit from agriculture or other industries (20). 
  • Smaller-scale watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs, which can assist farmers and ranchers who rely heavily on these resources (16). These groups include the Brush Creek Irrigation District and the Popo Agie Watershed Healthy Rivers Initiative in Wyoming (20). 
  • The development of drought plans by rights holders and ranchers can help communities plan for necessary drought responses, such as “adjusting the number of cattle, the season of grazing, the length of grazing time in pastures based on precipitation and vegetation growth, or holistic planned grazing strategies that manage for ecosystem health by adapting to changing conditions” (20). As many as 60% of ranchers in the NGP have a drought plan of some kind, but increased inclusion of climate data could help to increase the efficacy of these plans; these efforts can be supported by “translating climate outlooks into usable information for ranchers” (20). 
  • Drought plans incorporating climate change data can be developed for agriculture, as well; for example, the 2022 Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) listed climate change “as a primary challenge to both dryland and irrigated agriculture… due to earlier snowmelt, increased evapotranspiration, and less water available for irrigation” (20). 
  • Public land managers, including agencies such as the National Parks Service, have “adapted scenario-based planning to help natural and cultural resource managers… work with uncertainty and address the ways change might plausibly occur” (20). For more information on scenario-based planning, see Figure 25.12 (below) or check out a publication on scenario-based decisionmaking led by several NC CASC scientists. Additionally, learn more about NC CASC’s current projects, including those about scenario-based planning, here
  • “Scenario-based planning accounts for uncertainty by considering a range of ways in which change might occur” (16) 


    Figure 25.12: "Forecast-based planning uses predictions of a single future (b), whereas scenario-based planning works with a set of plausible futures that capture a broad range of potential future conditions, providing a framework to support decisions under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Scenario-based planning at Wind Cave National Park identified four potential outcomes (a, c) for grassland and pine forest vegetation, surface water availability, and American bison (Bison bison) and prairie dog colonies under different climate futures - very dry and droughty (brown), frequent droughts (red), generally drier (green), and a bit wetter (blue) - all of which have different management implications for the natural and cultural resources in the park. Each dot in the graph represents a climate projection, and the set of four circled projections collectively encompasses most of the range of ways in which drought and springtime moisture levels could change by midcentury. SPEI - the Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index - is a multi-scalar drought index, based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, that is used to identify wet and dry periods in a given location. A zero value indicates average moisture balance, positive values signify above-average wetness, and negative values represent drier-than-average conditions. SPEI-3 is a three-monthly SPEI calculation, and this fugure shows values for April - June. Adapted from Schuurman et al. 2022 and Runyon et al. 2021" (16).


  • Adaptation strategies, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) and the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle, are additional tools for rights holders and managers (9). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here

    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems” (9)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (9).


  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). 
  • Natural resource management responses, including “increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, assisting species migration, and expanding protection activities,” can address climate changes by increasing resilience (10). 
  • Forestry and silvicultural practices, such as “thinning to reduce tree densities, can be used to increase the resistance and resilience of some forests to bark beetles” (5). In addition, reforestation practices, “including where species are planted and which species and genotypes are planted, will facilitate adaptation to future climatic conditions” (7).

    Colorado - Water, Precipitation, and Drought


    According to the NCA5, Colorado is part of the Southwest region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southwest related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch28: Southwest

    KM28.1: Drought and Aridity Threaten Water Resources

    Climate change has reduced surface water and groundwater availability for people and nature in the Southwest…


    Very High

    ...and there are inequities in how these impacts are experienced.



    Higher temperatures have intensified drought and will lead to a more arid future;

    Very Likely


    without adaptation, these changes will exacerbate existing water supply-demand imbalances.



    At the same time, the region is experiencing more intense precipitation events, including atmospheric rivers, which contribute to increased flooding.



    Flexible and adaptive approaches to water management have the potential to mitigate the impacts of these changes on people, the environment, and the economy.



    KM28.3: Increasing Challenges Confront Food and Fiber Production in the Southwest

    Continuing drought and water scarcity will make it more difficult to raise food and fiber in the Southwest without major shifts to new strategies and technologies.



    KM28.4: Climate Change Compromises Human Health and Reshapes Demographics

    Increases in extreme heat, drought, flooding, and wildfire activity are negatively impacting the physical health of Southwest residents.



    KM28.5: Changes in Wildfire Patterns Pose Challenges for Southwest Residents and Ecosystems

    High-severity wildfires are expected to continue in coming years, placing the people, economies, ecosystems, and water resources of the region at considerable risk.

    Very Likely




    In a region largely defined by extreme wildfires and increasing aridity, water is a critical resource in the Southwest. This region is made up of deserts and grasslands in warmer, low elevations to forests and alpine meadows in cooler, high elevations (10). Climate change will intensify historic and present concerns about water resources that will severely affect communities in the Southwest; impacts on water resources due to climate change include: 

  • Temperature increases due to climate change are projected to cause an increase in the annual average minimum air temperatures; an increase in growing degree days, a measure that “relates the development of plants, insects, and disease organisms to environmental air temperature; and an increase in average number of days above 86 F (12). 
  • Changes in timing, form, and amount of snow, as low-snow years are projected to increase over the next fifty years (11). 
  • Reduction in mountain snowpack due to increase in air temperatures; the process of melting snowpack creates a positive feedback loop, where high air temperatures cause snow to melt, revealing darker rock underneath (which will absorb heat rather than reflect it), which leads to increased surface temperatures and more snowmelt (11). This process has led to an overall decrease in available water resources for lower-elevation communities (11, 12). For example, acequias (community-based irrigation systems that utilize snowpack for irrigation in the high-elevation watersheds of New Mexico and Colorado) are particularly vulnerable to decreases in annual snowpack (12). 
  • Surface and groundwater reductions due to reduced streamflows, higher temperatures, and the resulting demand for water; this will result in historically low water levels in lakes and reservoirs (11). In addition, higher temperatures and changes in precipitation will result in less groundwater recharge from rainfall, snowmelt, and runoff (11). 
  • Soil moisture will continue to decrease due to increases in air temperature and frequency of droughts (11, 2). 

    “Climate change is projected to reduce snow water equivalent and alter trends in soil moisture and annual runoff” (10) 


    Figure 28.2: "These maps show projected average mid-21st century (2036-2065; top row) and late-21st-century (2070-2099; bottom row) differences in annual soil moisture, snow water equivalent (the amount of water contained within the snowpack), and runoff over the Southwest region relative to the baseline period, 1991-2020. The data in these maps come from a land-surface hydrological model that simulates different parts of the water and energy balance. The model takes temperature and precipitation data from an ensemble of downscaled Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate model susing an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5) to create future projections of soil moisture, snow water equivalent, and runoff. Warming temperatures and precipitation variability are expected to reduce snow water equivalent and alter trends in soil moisture and annual runoff (KM 4.1). The historical record shows that the climatology of 1991-2020 was substantially warmer than the climatology of preceding 30-year periods. Thus, the areas of projected lower soil moisture, snow water equivalent, and runoff in this figure, especially at higher elevations, present marked deficits in comparison to 30-year periods in the 20th century. There are also areas of projected increases in soil moisture and runoff. Some CMIP5 global climate models project increased precipitation over parts of the Southwest, and when these are included in calculating average soil moisture or runoff, the result indicates wetter conditions in some locations, predominantly in Nevada, Utah, southwest Arizona, and southeast California. For more detail on variability, Figures 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 show data from the same source that illustrate the wet to dry range of projections for the mid-21st century. Figure credit: New Mexico State University; Arizona State University; University of Nevada, Reno; NOAA NCEI; and CISESS NC" (10).


  • Reduced flows in major river basins,” such as the Colorado and Rio Grande Rivers, have caused “conflict, competition, [and] collaboration” across the Southwest (11, 4). Use of water from the Colorado River is largely based on the Colorado River Compact, which was negotiated in the early 1900s in a time with ample water availability in the Colorado River Basin (4). The agreement therefore “allocated far more water than the river has since provided” (4). Changes in water policy and collaboration among communities will be required to address the “projected 30-year-average wet and dry spells on the Colorado River” (4). 
  • Flooding caused by extreme precipitation events can occur and will threaten “life, property, and freshwater ecosystems” (11). Increases in flooding also lead to an increase in water-borne diseases “and exposure to toxic hazards” (13). Outbreaks of the West Nile virus, in particular, may increase “due to changes in the climate, human population, and mosquito distribution” related to changes in water availability (13). 
  • Evapotranspiration, or evaporated and transpired water from the environment, is an important factor in water availability and greatly affects irrigation water demand (2). As temperatures increase, evapotranspiration will increase as well, reducing the amount of surface water available for irrigation and other uses (12). This will have the highest impacts on “dryland farmers growing rain-fed crops and producers raising livestock on rangelands” (12). 
  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts: Communities that have been “systematically excluded from water management processes” - including Indigenous, Hispanic, and low-wealth communities - have and will continue to face disproportionate impacts of climate change such as access to clean water, availability of services and infrastructure, and exclusion from management decisions (11, 3, 4). Tribes and Indigenous communities have been disproportionately impacted by diseases, including COVID-19, due to a lack of clean water and sanitation services and the cost of water infrastructure (11). In addition to impacts on human health, climate change impacts to water resources will disproportionately affect Tribal communities that depend on agriculture for food security and/ or income (12). 
  • Impacts to ecosystems due to changes in precipitation timing, form, and quantity: These impacts will include increased erosion; deterioration of riparian systems; risks to riparian, riverine, and threatened or endangered species; and increased populations of non-native species (14). Reduced snowpack also has limited ecosystem recovery after disturbances, such as wildfires, as the decrease in water availability creates a barrier to tree and shrub establishment after fires (14). Ultimately, this may lead to future shifts in “species competition or vegetation types” (14). 
  • “Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting the availability and quality of water from forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.9: "Panel (a) shows the percent of surface water originating on forest lands across the continuous US, illustrating that forests are a critical source of water. Panel (b) shows decadal average variations in average annual streamflow (measured in cubic feet per second [ft3/s]) from Hydrologic Unit Code 8 (HUC8) watersheds with greater than 50% forest cover, no impoundments above the streamflow gauges, at least four gauges per basin, and complete records back to 1950 in the Great Basin (number of HUC8 gauges = 6), Upper Colorado (16), Lower Colorado (5), and Rio Grande (4). Data generally show annual streamflow has been comparatively lower in more recent years compared to earlier decades. Panel (c) shows projected changes in suitable coldwater fish habitat in the Southeast under 3.6 degrees F and 7.2 degrees F warming air temperature over contemporary (2012) air temperature. Projections suggest suitable coldwater fish habitat will decline in the future as air temperatures increase. figure credits: (a) adapted from Liu et al. 2022; (b, c) USDA Forest Service" (5).


    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Colorado River basin communities’ drought response and conservation measures “incentivize collaboration among diverse participants to develop innovative solutions” (11)
  • “Transitions toward more sustainable water management under climate change [such as] innovative infrastructure (e.g., enhanced aquifer storage, recharge, and recovery) and institutional practices (e.g., integrative land and water management practices, changes in rate structures, water sharing agreements, and reservoir operations)” are being explored in the Southwest (11). Widespread support for these strategies has led to opportunities for education (11). 
  • Localized adaptation strategies, such as “crop- and locality- specific combinations of irrigation, site management (e.g., use of cover crops), and cultivar selection,” have been implemented across the region (12). 
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (9). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (9). 


    Kansas - Water, Precipitation, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, Kansas is part of the Southern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Southern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch26: Southern Great Plains

    KM26.1: How We Live: Climate Change is Degrading Lands, Waters, Culture, and Health

    Climate change is beginning to alter how we live in the Southern Great Plains, putting us at risk from climate hazards that degrade our lands and waters, quality of life, health and well-being, and cultural interconnectedness.



    KM26.2: How We Work: Climate Changes Are Creating Economic Challenges and Opportunities

    In coming decades, warmer temperatures, more erratic precipitation, and sea level rise are expected to force widespread and costly changes in how we work.

    Very Likely


    KM26.3: How We Play: Climate Extremes Are Endangering Sports, Recreation, and Leisure

    Extreme climate-related events are negatively influencing how we play and participate in outdoor sport, recreation, and physical activities in the Southern Great Plains.


    Very High

    KM26.4: How We Heal: Climate Change is Exacerbating Existing Social and Environmental Disputes

    Some neighborhoods and communities in the Southern Great Plains are suffering disproportionately from climate-related hazards because of long-standing marginalization, discrimination, and governmental policies.


    Very High

    KM26.5: How We Serve: Climate Change is Straining Public Infrastructure and Services

    Without significant adaptation, climate change is expected to strain water supplies, transportation infrastructure, and emergency services across the Southern Great Plains.





    The Southern Great Plains (SGP) consists of twenty distinct ecoregions, including forests, grasslands, rangelands, croplands, and more (10). The SGP experiences some of the United States’ worst water shortages, and water is not evenly available across locations and demographics (10). Historical and ongoing systemic factors cause an unequal distribution of water resources and a burden of extreme impacts for the following communities: rural residents, Indigenous populations, people of color, disabled and/ or elderly people, LGBTQIA+ people, immigrants, and unhoused people (14). These communities are likely to lack “adequate weatherization, air conditioning, structural resistance [or shelter]… and adequate shade and/or green spaces” (14). 


    Overall, annual precipitation has increased across Kansas; precipitation is lower in the western SGP region and significantly increases on the eastern border (10). 


    “The frequency of days with precipitation of 2 inches or more has increased across the Southern Great Plains” (10)


    Figure 26.1: "These graphs show the annual number of days (colored bars) with daily precipitation of 2 inches or more from 1900 to 2021 in (a) western Kansas (28% increase for the long-term, linear trend), (b) eastern Kansas (38% increase), (c) western Oklahoma (31% increase), (d) eastern Oklahoma (46% increase), (e) western Texas (9% increase), and (f) eastern Texas (20% increase). (Station data were unavailable for 1900 and 1901 in western Texas.) Solid black lines show five-year averages; dashed black lines denote the 1900-2021 trend. The number of days has been highly variable from year to year, with fewer 2-inch events in the west (gold bars) on average than in the east (green bars; divided at 97.5 degrees west, near Wichita, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, and Corpus Christi). Days with precipitation of 2 inches or more have increased in all six regions. Figure credit: NOAA NCEI and CISESS NC" (10).


    Sources and quality of water are in question due to changes in precipitation and temperature; for example, transient wetlands in the western SGP are essential for irrigation, livestock, and ecological diversity (10). These wetlands are threatened by high rates of evaporation or nutrient-rich runoff from floods (10). Other essential sources of water include groundwater and aquifers, which are threatened by “increasing air and water temperatures, more frequent and severe drought, more intense rainfall events, and changes in rainfall frequency and timing” (15). 


    Annual average temperatures in Kansas have increased from 1.5 F from 1900-2020, and the Southern Great Plains are expected to increase to “historically unprecedented” levels (10). 


    “Air temperatures for Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are projected to be historically unprecedented by the end of the century” (10, Figure 26.2).


    Figure 26.2: "These graphs show observed and projected changes (compared to the 1901 to 1960 average; thick black line) in near-surface air temperature for (a) Kansas, (b) Oklahoma, and (c) Texas. Annual average temperature observations (orange line) are plotted with the range of temperatures from climate model output (light gray shading) for the historical period. The overlap of observed and modeled temperatures indicates that the models represent the region's climate reasonably well. Climate projections out to 2100 use an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5; green shading) and a very high scenario (RCP8.5; red shading), showing a range of possible future temperatures. Results from both scenarios indicate substantial warming in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas by midcentury and historically unprecedented warming by the end of the century. (a, b) Adapted from Frankson et al. 2022 and Franskon et al 2022; (c) adapted from Runkle et al. 2022" (10).


    The number of extremely hot days will increase, while the number of extremely cold days will decrease (10). Additionally, the Southern Great Plains will experience increased intensity and duration of water shortages (10). Specific impacts include: 

  • Urban-area floods: Increased precipitation leads to increased runoff from impervious surfaces, such as parking lots and roofs, leading to increased flood risks for developing cities (11). 
  • Water resources for agriculture: The widespread increase in temperatures will result in more frequent and intense droughts, causing an increased need for irrigation (2). As water resources are put under pressure, communities that rely on agriculture may experience economic impacts (2, 9). At the same time, intensive agriculture can reduce the “water-holding capacity of soils and increase runoff,” resulting in large-scale and repetitive damages from floods (3). Further, runoff from agricultural land can cause a decrease in nearby water quality due to excess nutrients from fertilizers (3). For more information, see the tool output for “Kansas” + “Agriculture and Land Use.”


    “Climate change may cause both increases and decreases in inland flooding, depending on the location and time of year” (1)


    Figure 4.8: "Inland floods result from combinations of factors, primarily extreme rainfall, soil moisture, and snowpack and snowmelt conditions. Each of these are subject to substantial variability and change across a wide range of timescales, from daily to decadal, in a warming climate. Scientific confidence in how the climate drivers of flooding will change is higher than in how those drivers will combine to affect floods in particular locations and seasons. Adapted from Yu et al. 2020 [CC BY-NC 4.0]" (1).


  • Increase in water-related illnesses, both from poor water quality and from vector-borne illnesses; high temperatures and precipitation extend ranges and lengthen active seasons of mosquitoes and ticks, which can carry disease (Ch26.1). The western SGP will experience an “increased incidence of Valley fever” (11).
  • Outdoor workers’ health and productivity: Increases in temperature and precipitation lead to an increase in heat-related illnesses, along with inflated product costs and disrupted supply chains (12). 
  • Recreation impacted by extreme heat and precipitation: Lakes, streams, and reservoirs have been affected by variable precipitation, affecting fishing opportunities; further, warming temperatures and increased precipitation will shift wildlife habitats and species ranges of various prey species, impacting hunting opportunities (13). 
  • Water availability from forests: Western Kansas receives 0-10% of its surface water from forested lands, while the amount is higher in eastern Kansas at 11-25%; forests are also a source of water storage (7). Increased temperatures and precipitation affect forest structure, which will impact forest effects on water availability (6). 
  • Large-scale effects on watersheds: There are many impacts on water availability and quality in watersheds of the Southern Great Plains (see Figure 8.4 below). 

    “Climate effects on watersheds exemplify the amplifying impacts of gradual and episodic stressors” (8)


    Figure 8.4: "Both gradual and episodic (short-lived) climatic drivers alter the transport of water, nutrients, and sediments from terrestrial watersheds to downstream water bodies. These drivers affect aquatic ecology and ecosystem services throughout the hydrological system, even in areas distant from drivers of change (e.g., more intense rainfall leading to leaching of fertilizers that stimulate harmful algal blooms downstream). The frequency and intensity of episodic extreme events is projected to increase (KM 2.2), raising risks for many species (Figure 8.10). Figure credit: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies" (8).  


    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Tribes of Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa led efforts to establish a drought early warning system that focuses “on more than 20 drought-related indicators, including precipitation, soil moisture, fire danger indices, and evapotranspiration” (14). 
  • Kansas’ Sheridan and Thomas Counties have self-imposed water restrictions that reduced water use from irrigation by 26% with no impacts to crop acreage; self-imposed restrictions such as these are options for communities to conserve water while exploring “more efficient irrigation technologies and management practices” (12). 
  • Indigenous advocates for Tribal data sovereignty are helping Tribes design climate impact assessments and resilience plans (4). However, Tribes still face barriers in accessing data about their lands as “streamflow, temperature, precipitation, snowpack, and soil moisture [data] are not always available through federal information sources” (4). 

    “Resilience actions can help alleviate harmful consequences to communities of more frequent or severe drought” (11)


    Figure 26.4: "The increasing frequency or severity of drought has negative impacts on lands and waters across the Southern Great Plains, including reduced crop and livestock production, shortages of drinking water, increased stress on ecosystems, and deterioration of air and drinking water quality. The example adaptation and mitigation actions can increase resilience and reduce negative impacts" (11). 

    Nebraska - Water, Precipitation, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, Nebraska is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought.



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends.







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

    The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



    ...increases in hail frequency and size...




    Very Likely


    ...and wildfire.



    Rising temperatures across the region are expected to lead to increased evapotranspiration...

    Very Likely

    High well as greater variability in precipitation.

    Very Likely


    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (11). Notably, Nebraska has experienced the smallest increase in annual average temperature in the NGP since 1900, but this measure has still increased by 1.6-2.6 degrees F across the NGP region (12). While Nebraska summers have “warmed little,” the number of very cold days has decreased across the NGP region; since 1990, Nebraska’s number of very cold days has been below the long term average (12). This will have a few key impacts:


  • The timing and form of precipitation is changing, with the number of days "favorable to significant hail" increasing by 2-4 days per year (12). Increases in heavy precipitation events will also increase annual runoff (2). 

    Annual precipitation projections show large regional differences and a wide range of potential differences” (1)


    Figure 4.3: "Under an intermediate (RCP4.5) scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase for much of the US (a), except for the Southwest, Hawai'i, and the US Caribbean (not shown; see Figure 23.2, which shows rainfall reductions of about 10% by midcentury, and increases in dry days during the wet season, for Puerto Rico). The wettest and driest 20% of projections (b, c) illustrate the range of uncertainty in annual precipitation projections. This figure shows projected changes in inches. In the Southwest, a half-inch change in annual precipitation has more influence on the region's hydrology than does a half-inch change in the Northeast (see Figure 2.10 for percent changes under different warming levels). Projections are not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Decreasing snowpack will affect both surface water availability and groundwater resources, increasing pressure on water resources (12).
  • A decrease in peak streamflow has been observed in Nebraska, particularly along the Nebraska-Kansas border (12). Peak streamflow is a proxy for flooding, and these projected decreases may reduce pressure from floods (12). However, this comes with increased pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). Localized droughts are projected to increase by 2040 and widespread regional droughts are projected to increase by 2070 (12).
  • Reduced flows in the Colorado River Basin will occur due to warming, although floods and increased runoff are possible in certain locations (12). Climate effects on watersheds will be amplified by both "gradual and episodic" stressors (9). 
  • Projected changes in runoff vary across the Nation due to projected changes in multiple aspects of the water cycle” (1)


    Figure 4.7: "Rivers and streams aggregate runoff across watersheds, and runoff integrates climate change impacts to the water cycle (Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6); as a result, impacts to runoff over a watershed are commonly used as surrogates for impacts to streamflow. Under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5), projections of annual runoff vary geographically depending on relative changes to precipitation, evapotranspiration, snow and ice, groundwater, and soil moisture. Decreases are projected in Hawai'i and parts of the Nation supplied by snow (a). Projections are not available for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean; however, given projected decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature in the Caribbean, annual runoff is expected to decrease. The range between the wettest (b) and driest (c) projections illustrate the uncertainty in runoff projections. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Soil moisture will slightly decline in the summer (12). 
  • Water quality will also be impacted; excess nutrient flow from agricultural and industrial runoff is "expected to be exacerbated by climate change" (13). 

    Climate change threatens the quality of freshwater supplies” (3)


    Figure 4.2: "Changes in ambient temperature, sea level, and rainfall (top) can create climate-related hazards, such as changes in water temperature and saltwater intrusion (middle) that can have negative impacts on water quality (bottom). Saltwater intrusion is an imminent threat to coastal and island communities dependent on groundwater for dinking water (KMs 30.1, 9.2); agricultural areas face risks to water supplies when fertilizers and pesticides are mobilized by flooding; higher temperatures are putting many areas at risk of exposure to harmful algal blooms (e.g., KM 22.2) and increases in fecal coliform bacteria; and treatment plants are challenged by sediments and debris from wildfires in their source waters (KM 6.1). Adapted from Nijhawan and Howard 2022 [CC BY 4.0]" (3).


  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts on water resources will be felt by Tribal and rural communities, depending on "economic sector, access to water resources, ability to irrigate, reliance on electricity, and socioeconomic status" (3, 4).

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities in the NGP have improved monitoring systems to make more informed water management decisions (15). 
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with state climate offices, is forming a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network to increase data availability (15).
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (15). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (15).
  • Watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs (15).
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as climate change affects available water resources; for example, communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (14). 

    South Dakota - Water, Precipitation, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, South Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends.







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

    The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



    ...increases in hail frequency and size...




    Very Likely


    ...and wildfire.



    Rising temperatures across the region are expected to lead to increased evapotranspiration...

    Very Likely

    High well as greater variability in precipitation.

    Very Likely


    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (11). Since 1900, the annual average temperature in the NGP has increased by 1.6-2.6 degrees F, with the most pronounced changes occurring in the winter (12). While South Dakota summers have “warmed little,” the number of very cold days has decreased across the NGP region; since 2000, South Dakota’s number of very cold days has been below the long term average (12). This will have a few key impacts:


  • The timing and form of precipitation is changing, with the number of days "favorable to significant hail" increasing by 2-4 days per year (12). Increases in heavy precipitation events will also increase annual runoff (2). 

    Annual precipitation projections show large regional differences and a wide range of potential differences” (1)


    Figure 4.3: "Under an intermediate (RCP4.5) scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase for much of the US (a), except for the Southwest, Hawai'i, and the US Caribbean (not shown; see Figure 23.2, which shows rainfall reductions of about 10% by midcentury, and increases in dry days during the wet season, for Puerto Rico). The wettest and driest 20% of projections (b, c) illustrate the range of uncertainty in annual precipitation projections. This figure shows projected changes in inches. In the Southwest, a half-inch change in annual precipitation has more influence on the region's hydrology than does a half-inch change in the Northeast (see Figure 2.10 for percent changes under different warming levels). Projections are not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Decreasing snowpack will affect both surface water availability and groundwater resources, increasing pressure on water resources (12).
  • Peak streamflow, a proxy for flooding, is changing across South Dakota (12). In the western part of the state, peak streamflow is decreasing, which may reduce pressure from floods but increase pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). The eastern part of the state is observing increasing peak streamflow, which may increase pressure from floods and potentially decrease pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). Across the state, localized droughts are projected to increase by 2040 and widespread regional droughts are projected to increase by 2070 (12).
  • Reduced flows in the Colorado River Basin will occur due to warming, although floods and increased runoff are possible in certain locations (12). Climate effects on watersheds will be amplified by both "gradual and episodic" stressors (9). 

    Projected changes in runoff vary across the Nation due to projected changes in multiple aspects of the water cycle” (1)


    Figure 4.7: "Rivers and streams aggregate runoff across watersheds, and runoff integrates climate change impacts to the water cycle (Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6); as a result, impacts to runoff over a watershed are commonly used as surrogates for impacts to streamflow. Under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5), projections of annual runoff vary geographically depending on relative changes to precipitation, evapotranspiration, snow and ice, groundwater, and soil moisture. Decreases are projected in Hawai'i and parts of the Nation supplied by snow (a). Projections are not available for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean; however, given projected decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature in the Caribbean, annual runoff is expected to decrease. The range between the wettest (b) and driest (c) projections illustrate the uncertainty in runoff projections. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Soil moisture will slightly decline in the summer (12). 
  • Water quality will also be impacted; excess nutrient flow from agricultural and industrial runoff is "expected to be exacerbated by climate change" (13). 

    Climate change threatens the quality of freshwater supplies” (3)


    Figure 4.2: "Changes in ambient temperature, sea level, and rainfall (top) can create climate-related hazards, such as changes in water temperature and saltwater intrusion (middle) that can have negative impacts on water quality (bottom). Saltwater intrusion is an imminent threat to coastal and island communities dependent on groundwater for dinking water (KMs 30.1, 9.2); agricultural areas face risks to water supplies when fertilizers and pesticides are mobilized by flooding; higher temperatures are putting many areas at risk of exposure to harmful algal blooms (e.g., KM 22.2) and increases in fecal coliform bacteria; and treatment plants are challenged by sediments and debris from wildfires in their source waters (KM 6.1). Adapted from Nijhawan and Howard 2022 [CC BY 4.0]" (3).


  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts on water resources will be felt by Tribal and rural communities, depending on "economic sector, access to water resources, ability to irrigate, reliance on electricity, and socioeconomic status" (3, 4).

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities in the NGP have improved monitoring systems to make more informed water management decisions (15). 
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with state climate offices, is forming a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network to increase data availability (15).
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (15). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (15).
  • Watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs (15).
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as climate change affects available water resources; for example, communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (14). 


    North Dakota - Water, Precipitation, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, North Dakota is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends.







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

    The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



    ...increases in hail frequency and size...




    Very Likely


    ...and wildfire.



    Rising temperatures across the region are expected to lead to increased evapotranspiration...

    Very Likely

    High well as greater variability in precipitation.

    Very Likely


    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (11). Since 1900, the annual average temperature in the NGP has increased by 1.6-2.6 degrees F, and North Dakota has experienced the largest increase in the region (12). While North Dakota summers have “warmed little,” the number of very cold days has decreased across the NGP region; since 2000, North Dakota’s number of very cold days has been below the long term average (12). This will have a few key impacts:


  • The timing and form of precipitation is changing, with the number of days "favorable to significant hail" increasing by 2-4 days per year (12). Increases in heavy precipitation events will also increase annual runoff (2). 


  • Annual precipitation projections show large regional differences and a wide range of potential differences” (1)


    Figure 4.3: "Under an intermediate (RCP4.5) scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase for much of the US (a), except for the Southwest, Hawai'i, and the US Caribbean (not shown; see Figure 23.2, which shows rainfall reductions of about 10% by midcentury, and increases in dry days during the wet season, for Puerto Rico). The wettest and driest 20% of projections (b, c) illustrate the range of uncertainty in annual precipitation projections. This figure shows projected changes in inches. In the Southwest, a half-inch change in annual precipitation has more influence on the region's hydrology than does a half-inch change in the Northeast (see Figure 2.10 for percent changes under different warming levels). Projections are not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Decreasing snowpack will affect both surface water availability and groundwater resources, increasing pressure on water resources (12).
  • Peak streamflow, a proxy for flooding, is changing across North Dakota (12). In the western part of the state, peak streamflow is decreasing, which may reduce pressure from floods but increase pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). The eastern part of the state is observing increasing peak streamflow, which may increase pressure from floods and potentially decrease pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). Across the state, localized droughts are projected to increase by 2040 and widespread regional droughts are projected to increase by 2070 (12).
  • Reduced flows in the Colorado River Basin will occur due to warming, although floods and increased runoff are possible in certain locations (12). Climate effects on watersheds will be amplified by both "gradual and episodic" stressors (9). 

    Projected changes in runoff vary across the Nation due to projected changes in multiple aspects of the water cycle” (1)


    Figure 4.7: "Rivers and streams aggregate runoff across watersheds, and runoff integrates climate change impacts to the water cycle (Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6); as a result, impacts to runoff over a watershed are commonly used as surrogates for impacts to streamflow. Under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5), projections of annual runoff vary geographically depending on relative changes to precipitation, evapotranspiration, snow and ice, groundwater, and soil moisture. Decreases are projected in Hawai'i and parts of the Nation supplied by snow (a). Projections are not available for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean; however, given projected decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature in the Caribbean, annual runoff is expected to decrease. The range between the wettest (b) and driest (c) projections illustrate the uncertainty in runoff projections. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Soil moisture will slightly decline in the summer (12). 
  • Water quality will also be impacted; excess nutrient flow from agricultural and industrial runoff is "expected to be exacerbated by climate change" (13). 

    Climate change threatens the quality of freshwater supplies” (3)


    Figure 4.2: "Changes in ambient temperature, sea level, and rainfall (top) can create climate-related hazards, such as changes in water temperature and saltwater intrusion (middle) that can have negative impacts on water quality (bottom). Saltwater intrusion is an imminent threat to coastal and island communities dependent on groundwater for dinking water (KMs 30.1, 9.2); agricultural areas face risks to water supplies when fertilizers and pesticides are mobilized by flooding; higher temperatures are putting many areas at risk of exposure to harmful algal blooms (e.g., KM 22.2) and increases in fecal coliform bacteria; and treatment plants are challenged by sediments and debris from wildfires in their source waters (KM 6.1). Adapted from Nijhawan and Howard 2022 [CC BY 4.0]" (3).


  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts on water resources will be felt by Tribal and rural communities, depending on "economic sector, access to water resources, ability to irrigate, reliance on electricity, and socioeconomic status" (3, 4).

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities in the NGP have improved monitoring systems to make more informed water management decisions (15). 
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with state climate offices, is forming a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network to increase data availability (15).
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (15). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (15).
  • Watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs (15).
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as climate change affects available water resources; for example, communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (14). 

    Montana - Water, Precipitation, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, Montana is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought.



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends.







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

    The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



    ...increases in hail frequency and size...




    Very Likely


    ...and wildfire.



    Rising temperatures across the region are expected to lead to increased evapotranspiration...

    Very Likely

    High well as greater variability in precipitation.

    Very Likely


    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (11). Since 1900, the annual average temperature in the NGP has increased by 1.6-2.6 degrees F, with the most pronounced changes occurring in the winter; Montana in particular has seen an increase in warm nights, while the entire region has seen a decrease in very cold days (12). This will have a few key impacts:


  • The timing and form of precipitation is changing, with the number of days "favorable to significant hail" increasing by 2-4 days per year (12). Increases in heavy precipitation events will also increase annual runoff (2). 


  • Annual precipitation projections show large regional differences and a wide range of potential differences” (1)


    Figure 4.3: "Under an intermediate (RCP4.5) scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase for much of the US (a), except for the Southwest, Hawai'i, and the US Caribbean (not shown; see Figure 23.2, which shows rainfall reductions of about 10% by midcentury, and increases in dry days during the wet season, for Puerto Rico). The wettest and driest 20% of projections (b, c) illustrate the range of uncertainty in annual precipitation projections. This figure shows projected changes in inches. In the Southwest, a half-inch change in annual precipitation has more influence on the region's hydrology than does a half-inch change in the Northeast (see Figure 2.10 for percent changes under different warming levels). Projections are not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Decreasing snowpack will affect both surface water availability and groundwater resources, increasing pressure on water resources (12).
  • A decrease in peak streamflow has been observed in Montana, which is a proxy for flooding; this may reduce pressure from floods, but comes with increased pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (Ch25.1). Localized droughts are projected to increase by 2040 and widespread regional droughts are projected to increase by 2070 (12).
  • Reduced flows in the Colorado River Basin will occur due to warming, although floods and increased runoff are possible in certain locations (12). Climate effects on watersheds will be amplified by both "gradual and episodic" stressors (9). 


  • Projected changes in runoff vary across the Nation due to projected changes in multiple aspects of the water cycle” (1)


    Figure 4.7: "Rivers and streams aggregate runoff across watersheds, and runoff integrates climate change impacts to the water cycle (Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6); as a result, impacts to runoff over a watershed are commonly used as surrogates for impacts to streamflow. Under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5), projections of annual runoff vary geographically depending on relative changes to precipitation, evapotranspiration, snow and ice, groundwater, and soil moisture. Decreases are projected in Hawai'i and parts of the Nation supplied by snow (a). Projections are not available for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean; however, given projected decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature in the Caribbean, annual runoff is expected to decrease. The range between the wettest (b) and driest (c) projections illustrate the uncertainty in runoff projections. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).



  • Soil moisture will “decrease slightly… in the summer months, with the largest decreases in the western mountain ranges of Montana” (12).
  • Water quality will also be impacted; excess nutrient flow from agricultural and industrial runoff is "expected to be exacerbated by climate change" (13). 


  • Climate change threatens the quality of freshwater supplies” (3)


    Figure 4.2: "Changes in ambient temperature, sea level, and rainfall (top) can create climate-related hazards, such as changes in water temperature and saltwater intrusion (middle) that can have negative impacts on water quality (bottom). Saltwater intrusion is an imminent threat to coastal and island communities dependent on groundwater for dinking water (KMs 30.1, 9.2); agricultural areas face risks to water supplies when fertilizers and pesticides are mobilized by flooding; higher temperatures are putting many areas at risk of exposure to harmful algal blooms (e.g., KM 22.2) and increases in fecal coliform bacteria; and treatment plants are challenged by sediments and debris from wildfires in their source waters (KM 6.1). Adapted from Nijhawan and Howard 2022 [CC BY 4.0]" (3).


  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts on water resources will be felt by Tribal and rural communities, depending on "economic sector, access to water resources, ability to irrigate, reliance on electricity, and socioeconomic status" (3, 4).

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities in the NGP have improved monitoring systems to make more informed water management decisions (15). 
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with state climate offices, is forming a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network to increase data availability (15).
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (15). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (15).
  • Watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs (15).
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as climate change affects available water resources; for example, communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (14). 


    Wyoming - Agriculture and Land Use



    According to the NCA5, Wyoming is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Agriculture and Land Use. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends







    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    KM7.3: Adaptation Actions Are Necessary for Maintaining Resilient Forest Ecosystems

    Climate change creates challenges for natural resource managers charged with preserving the function, health, and productivity of forest ecosystems.



    Proactive adaptation of management strategies that create, maintain, and restore resilient forest ecosystems are critical to maintaining equitable provisioning of ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    KM8.2: Species Changes and Biodiversity Loss are Accelerating

    The interaction of climate change with other stressors is causing biodiversity loss, changes in species distributions and life cycles, and increasing impacts from invasive species and diseases, all of which have economic and social consequences.

    Very Likely


    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Ch11: Agriculture

    KM11.1 Agricultural Adaptation Increases Resilience in an Evolving Landscape

    Climate change has increased agricultural production risks by disrupting growing zones and growing days, which depend on precipitation, air temperature, and soil moisture.

    Very Likely


    Growing evidence for positive environmental and economic outcomes of conservation management has led some farmers and ranchers to adopt agroecological practices...


    Very High

    ...which increases the potential for agricultural producers to limit greenhouse gas emissions...



    ...and improve agricultural resilience to climate change.



    KM11.2 Climate Change Disrupts Our Food Systems in Uneven Ways

    Impacts of climate change on other measures of human well-being are also distributed unevenly, such as worsening heat stress among farmworkers...



    ...and disruptions to the ability of subsistence-based peoples to access food through hunting, fishing, and foraging.



    KM11.3 Rural Communities Face Unique Challenges and Opportunities

    Opportunities exist for rural communities to increase their resilience to climate change and protect rural livelihoods.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.3: Resource- and Land-Based Livelihoods Are At Risk

    The Northern Great Plains region is heavily reliant on agriculture and resource-based economies, placing livelihoods at risk from the impacts of climate change and related policy. Agriculture and recreation will see some positive effects but primarily negative effects related to changing temperature and precipitation regimes.



    Energy-sector livelihoods will be affected as emissions-reductions policies drive shifts away from fossil fuel sources.



    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (16). Communities in the NGP are often rural, economically relying on land-based industries such as agriculture, ranching, and recreation (16). Climate change has had a multitude of impacts on agriculture and land use, including: 

  • Changes in the timing and form of precipitation, increases in heavy precipitation events that also increase annual runoff, and changes to soil moisture and groundwater (2).These changes result in “reduced water availability for human and agricultural uses, decreased productivity of crop species due to increased pest infestations, and [the degradation of] hazard-mitigating ecosystems” like native grasslands that provide “habitat, recreation, and aesthetic” benefits (11). 
  • Flood and drought events are increasing and intensified by climate change, which can “reduce agricultural productivity and strain water systems” (3). 
  • Growing seasons and frost-free periods are lengthening” due to rising temperatures, which may be beneficial for some crops; however, crop yields will be negatively impacted due to “heat and moisture stress… increase weed competition, and pest expansion” (18). These changes are apparent through shifts in plant hardiness zones, “a common metric for plant appropriateness for a given local climate,” due to changes in climate (see figure 11.3 below). 

    “Plant hardiness zones are projected to shift northward throughout this century” (13)


    Figure 11.3: "Plant hardiness zones help local farmers and gardeners identify optimal crops to plant and when to plant them. Hardiness zones are projected to migrate northward as the climate warms. The maps show plant hardiness zones for (a) present-day (1991-2020) climate normals, and (b) midcentury (2036-2065) and (c) late century (2071-2100) under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Figure credit: USDA, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (13).


  • Higher carbon dioxide concentrations are projected to benefit the productivity of many crops, “increasing above-ground net primary productivity but decreasing nutritional quality” (18). However, a decrease in available water resources due to drought would cause an opposite effect by “reducing biomass production, concentrating nutrients, and increasing forage quality” (18). 
  • The “net effect of climate change on specific crop yields is uncertain and will depend on the interactions of temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, and ozone, as well as adaptation through shifts in cultivars, crop mix, and management practices” (18). 
  • Loss of biodiversity due to the conversion of grasslands to monoculture cropland and the spread of invasive species (17, 13). Specifically, invasive cool-season grasses are reducing biodiversity; for more information, see the NC CASC’s 2023 RCAP, “Climate Change Impacts on Introduced Cool Season (C3) Grasses in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA” (17). 
  • Ecosystem structure is changing as a result of climate change, which can be gradual or abrupt and “depend[s] in part on ecosystem characteristics and key species” (9).  Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more resilient to changes; therefore, increased protection and “reduced fragmentation and degradation of ecosystems” is critical for vulnerable ecosystems (9). Examples include dry forests and woodlands, which, after experiencing drought and wildfire, are transforming into grasslands and shrublands; sagebrush shrublands experiencing wildfire, invasive species, land use change, and climate change are transforming into non-native grasslands; and Great Plains grasslands, as they experience warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, are becoming woodlands (9). 
  • “Climate change interacts with other stressors to cause synergistic effects, and resulting ecosystem changes can be abrupt and difficult to reverse” (9)


    Figure 8.6: "In the western US, drought and longer, hotter growing seasons combined with invasive grasses and overgrazing have transformed sagebrush shrublands past a tipping point into annual grasslands that experience more frequent wildfires and no longer support native biodiversity and livestock grazing. Removing invasive grasses and seeding with native plants often does not restore the original shrubland ecosystem. Adapted from Foley et al. 2015" (9).


  • Outbreaks of spruce and mountain pine beetles have become more frequent; while these beetles are a natural part of ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains, they are kept in check by cold winters that reduce their population for the next year (5). However, as the climate changes and winters become more warm, it is no longer cold enough to keep beetle populations from increasing to unusual levels (5). In addition, increases in drought have stressed forest ecosystems, making trees more susceptible to colonization from beetles (5). Together, these factors are responsible for the large-scale beetle outbreaks observed in the Northern Great Plains, and have impacted forestry practices and industries (5). 

    “Climate change and climate-related disturbances are affecting forests in the United States” (5)


    Figure 7.5: "The figure shows recently documented effects, specific to individual forest types, that have been attributed to climate change and climate-related disturbances. Effects include increased tree mortality across all types with high confidence, changes in forest structure with variable confidence, less carbon storage across three of the four forest types, and variable shifts in plant species composition. Confidence levels reflect the uncertainty in attributions based on available literature. Arrows indicate the direction of change where suitable data exist. In the case of temperate forests, structure is changing but not in a unidirectional way. Boreal forest reflects changes only in Alaska. Assessments in the figure are based on recent relevant literature, and citations can be found in the metadata. Adapted with permission from Figure SPM.2 in IPCC 2022" (5).


  • Decrease in pollinator populations as land use change threatens critical habitat (17). 
  • The relationship between Indigenous communities and traditional foods, medicines, and plants is threatened by changes in growing and harvesting seasons as well as changes in species composition (18). For example, above average temperatures in 2017 caused a delay in the harvest and availability of medicines and berries - specifically, wild turnips and chokecherries - for Lakota communities (18). Communities that rely on “hunting, fishing, foraging, and subsistence farming” for food are also at risk of food insecurity due to changes in climate (14). 
  • Impacts on livestock have been minimal so far compared to other regions in the United States, but as changes in temperature and precipitation occur, ranchers will face challenges in “managing livestock health due to heat stress, parasites, pathogens, and managing shifts in forage species” (18). 
  • The interaction between environmental and social stressors has caused rising land prices, the expansion of cropland into less productive areas, and land ownership concentration trends (18). In addition, communities of color are experiencing additional barriers due to “discriminatory planning practices, housing segregation, and racism” (11). 
  • Tourism and recreation industries are vulnerable to impacts from climate change; fishing and water-based activities will be severely impacted as changes in temperature and precipitation affect water levels, fish species, and competition between water recreation uses (18). In addition, wildfire smoke shortened visits to the Northern Great Plains, resulting in a loss of income for local communities (18). The length of the winter recreation season will decrease, negatively impacting economies, particularly in Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota; however, “shoulder season” recreation opportunities may be expanded, providing additional opportunities for tourists (18, 6). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as temperatures increase and soil moisture decreases; communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (19). For example, converting row crops to grassland would “enhance ecosystem services such as wildlife, flood retention, nutrient stabilization, and carbon sequestration” and change local industries from agriculture to “forage, animal products, native plant seed, biofuel from grass, increased hunting on private land, and carbon credits” (19). However, this comes with its own set of trade-offs and challenges that communities must consider and navigate (19). 

    How are communities addressing these changes?


  • Communities in the Northern Great Plains, including rural communities with “economic dependence on single-sector or resource-based economies,” are “developing innovative climate adaptation solutions to support livelihoods” to increase resilience (11, 20). Many of these solutions may support multiple goals, such as solutions to protect economic interests that “also support mitigation by sequestering carbon,” or improving soil quality, which will increase resilience to flood and drought events, enhance “carbon and nitrogen cycling and soil structure, increase soil microbial communities, and lower pest communities while reducing inputs and leading to greater yields and profitability” (20). Furthermore, “reintegrating row crop and livestock systems could diversify income, increase operation resilience, and restore ecosystem services” (20). 
  • Implementation of demand-management programs, where water users are compensated for voluntarily reducing consumption, are being considered by organizations such as the Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) in the “Upper Division states of the basin, including Wyoming” (20). These programs would encourage communities to adapt strategic water use strategies without sacrificing profit from agriculture or other industries (20). 
  • Smaller-scale watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs, which can assist farmers and ranchers who rely heavily on these resources (16). These groups include the Brush Creek Irrigation District and the Popo Agie Watershed Healthy Rivers Initiative in Wyoming (20). 
  • The development of drought plans by rights holders and ranchers can help communities plan for necessary drought responses, such as “adjusting the number of cattle, the season of grazing, the length of grazing time in pastures based on precipitation and vegetation growth, or holistic planned grazing strategies that manage for ecosystem health by adapting to changing conditions” (20). As many as 60% of ranchers in the NGP have a drought plan of some kind, but increased inclusion of climate data could help to increase the efficacy of these plans; these efforts can be supported by “translating climate outlooks into usable information for ranchers” (20). 
  • Drought plans incorporating climate change data can be developed for agriculture, as well; for example, the 2022 Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP) listed climate change “as a primary challenge to both dryland and irrigated agriculture… due to earlier snowmelt, increased evapotranspiration, and less water available for irrigation” (20). 
  • Public land managers, including agencies such as the National Parks Service, have “adapted scenario-based planning to help natural and cultural resource managers… work with uncertainty and address the ways change might plausibly occur” (20). For more information on scenario-based planning, see Figure 25.12 (below) or check out a publication on scenario-based decisionmaking led by several NC CASC scientists. Additionally, learn more about NC CASC’s current projects, including those about scenario-based planning, here
  • “Scenario-based planning accounts for uncertainty by considering a range of ways in which change might occur” (16)


    Figure 25.12: "Forecast-based planning uses predictions of a single future (b), whereas scenario-based planning works with a set of plausible futures that capture a broad range of potential future conditions, providing a framework to support decisions under conditions that are uncertain and uncontrollable. Scenario-based planning at Wind Cave National Park identified four potential outcomes (a, c) for grassland and pine forest vegetation, surface water availability, and American bison (Bison bison) and prairie dog colonies under different climate futures - very dry and droughty (brown), frequent droughts (red), generally drier (green), and a bit wetter (blue) - all of which have different management implications for the natural and cultural resources in the park. Each dot in the graph represents a climate projection, and the set of four circled projections collectively encompasses most of the range of ways in which drought and springtime moisture levels could change by midcentury. SPEI - the Standardized Precipitation-Evaporation Index - is a multi-scalar drought index, based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, that is used to identify wet and dry periods in a given location. A zero value indicates average moisture balance, positive values signify above-average wetness, and negative values represent drier-than-average conditions. SPEI-3 is a three-monthly SPEI calculation, and this fugure shows values for April - June. Adapted from Schuurman et al. 2022 and Runyon et al. 2021" (16).


  • Adaptation strategies, such as Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) and the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle, are additional tools for rights holders and managers (9). The NC CASC is contributing to an ongoing Cross-Park RAD project with resource managers at the Glacier National Park and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes - learn more here

    “Decision frameworks can help plan for the potential transformation of ecosystems” (9)


    Figure 8.9: "Two examples of adaptive decision frameworks are the Corals and Climate Adaptation Planning cycle (a) and the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework (b). In (a), users are guided through assessment and design considerations to adjust climate-smart management interventions. In (b), the current ecosystem (gray) is affected by either moderate or strong transformational forcing that drives decisions (black dots) to resist (red time periods), accept (yellow time periods), and direct (green time periods) the trajectory of change. (a) Adapted from West et al. 2017, 2018; (b) adapted from Lynch et al. 2022" (9).


  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (11). 
  • Natural resource management responses, including “increasing conservation efforts, reducing habitat fragmentation, protecting wildlife corridors, assisting species migration, and expanding protection activities,” can address climate changes by increasing resilience (10). 
  • Forestry and silvicultural practices, such as “thinning to reduce tree densities, can be used to increase the resistance and resilience of some forests to bark beetles” (5). In addition, reforestation practices, “including where species are planted and which species and genotypes are planted, will facilitate adaptation to future climatic conditions” (7).

    Wyoming - Water, Precip, and Drought



    According to the NCA5, Wyoming is part of the Northern Great Plains region. 

    Here are applicable Key Messages for the Northern Great Plains related to Water, Precipitation, and Drought. 



    Keyblue highlight = historical trendsyellow highlight = projected trends, and green highlight = both historical and projected trends






    Ch4: Water

    KM4.1: Climate Change Will Continue to Cause Profound Changes in the Water Cycle

    Changes to the water cycle pose risks to people and nature. Alaska and northern and eastern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see more precipitation on average, while the Caribbean, Hawai'i, and southwestern regions of the US are seeing and expect to see less precipitation.



    Heavier rainfall events are expected to increase across the Nation...

    Very Likely


    ...and warming will increase evaporation and plant water use where moisture is not a limiting factor.



    Groundwater supplies are also threatened by warming temperatures that are expected to increase demand.

    Very Likely


    Snow cover will decrease and melt earlier.

    Very Likely


    Increasing aridity, declining groundwater levels, declining snow cover, and drought threaten freshwater supplies.



    KM4.2: Water Cycle Changes Will Affect All Communities, with Disproportionate Impacts for Some

    Natural and human systems have evolved under the water cycle's historical patterns, making rapid adaptation challenging. Heavier rainfall, combined with changes in land use and other factors such as soil moisture and snow, is leading to increasing flood damage.

    Very Likely


    Drought impacts are also increasing...


    Medium are flood- and drought-related water quality impacts.



    All communities will be affected, but in particular those on the frontline of climate change - including many Black, Hispanic, Tribal, Indigenous, and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities - face growing risks from changes to water quantity and quality due to the proximity of their homes and workplaces to hazards and limited access to resources and infrastructure.

    Very Likely


    KM4.3: Progress Toward Adaptation Has Been Uneven

    The ability of water managers to adapt to changes has improved with better data, advances in decision-making, and steps toward cooperation. However, infrastructure standards and water allocation institutions have been slow to adapt to a changing climate...



    ...and efforts are confounded by wet and dry cycles driven by natural climate variability.

    Very Likely


    Frontline, Tribal, and Indigenous communities are heavily impacted but lack resources to adapt effectively, and they are not fully represented in decision-making.



    Ch7: Forests

    KM7.1: Forests Are Increasingly Affected by Climate Change and Disturbances

    Climate change is increasing the frequency, scale, and severity of some disturbances that drive forest change and affect ecosystem services.



    Continued warming and regional changes in precipitation are expected to amplify interactions among disturbance agents...



    ...and further alter forest ecosystem structure and function.



    KM7.2: Climate Change Affects Ecosystem Services Provided by Forests

    Climate change threatens the ecosystem services forests provide that enrich human lives and sustain life more broadly. Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbances are affecting the capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester and store carbon...



    ...provide clean water and clean air...



    ...produce timber and non-timber products...



    ...and provide recreation, among other benefits.



    Further climate effects will interact with societal changes to determine the capacity of forests to provide ecosystem services.



    Ch8: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity

    KM8.1: Climate Change is Driving Rapid Ecosystem Transformations

    Climate change, together with other stressors, is driving transformational changes in ecosystems, including loss and conversion to other states, and changes in productivity.

    Very Likely


    These changes have serious implications for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Many types of extreme events are increasing in frequency and/or severity and can trigger abrupt ecosystem changes.



    Adaptive governance frameworks, including adaptive management, combined with monitoring can help to prepare for, respond to, and alleviate climate change impacts, as well as build resilience for the future.



    KM8.3: Impacts to Ecosystem Services Create Risks and Opportunities

    Climate change is having variable and increasing impacts on ecosystem services and benefits, from food production to clean water to carbon sequestration, with consequences for human well-being.

    Very Likely


    Changes in availability and quality of ecosystem services, combined with existing social inequities, have disproportionate impacts on certain communities.

    Very Likely


    Equity-driven nature-based solutions, designed to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems for human well-being, can likely provide climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.



    Ch25: Northern Great Plains

    KM25.1: Climate Change is Compounding the Impacts of Extreme Events

    The Northern Great Plains region is experiencing unprecedented extremes related to changes in climate, including severe droughts…



    ...increases in hail frequency and size...




    Very Likely


    ...and wildfire.



    Rising temperatures across the region are expected to lead to increased evapotranspiration...

    Very Likely

    High well as greater variability in precipitation.

    Very Likely


    KM25.2: Human and Ecological Health Face Rising Threats from Climate-Related Key Events

    Climate-related hazards, such as drought, wildfire, and flooding, are already harming the physical, mental, and spiritual health of Northern Great Plains region residents…

    Virtually Certain

    High well as the ecology of the region.

    Very Likely


    As the climate continues to change, it is expected to have increasing and cascading negative effects on human health and on the lands, waters, and species on which people depend.

    Very Likely


    KM25.4: Climate Response Involves Navigating Complex Trade-Offs and Tensions

    Climate change is creating new, and exacerbating existing, tensions and trade-offs between land use, water availability, ecosystem services, and other considerations in the region, leading to decisions that are expected to benefit some and set back others.


    Very High

    Decision-makers are navigating a complicated landscape of shifting demographics, policy and regulatory tensions, and barriers to action.



    Changes in temperature and precipitation averages, extremes, and seasonality will alter the productivity of working lands, resulting in land-use shifts to alternative crops or conversion to grasslands.



    Shifts in energy demand, production, and policy will change land-use needs for energy infrastructure.



    KM25.5: Communities Are Building the Capacity to Adapt and Transform

    Adaptation is underway in the Northern Great Plains to address the effects of climate change. Agricultural communities are shifting toward climate adaptation measures such as innovative soil practices, new drought-management tools, and water-use partnerships.



    Several Tribal Nations are leading efforts to incorporate Traditional Knowledge and governance into their adaptation plans.



    Resource managers are increasingly relying on tools such as scenario planning to improve the adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems.






    The Northern Great Plains (NGP) consists of three primary regions - mountainous west, semiarid high plains, and humid eastern plains - that may respond to changes in climate differently (11). Since 1900, the annual average temperature in the NGP has increased by 1.6-2.6 degrees F, with the most pronounced changes occurring in the winter; Wyoming in particular has seen an increase in warm nights, while the entire region has seen a decrease in very cold days (12). This will have a few key impacts:


  • The timing and form of precipitation is changing, with the number of days "favorable to significant hail" increasing by 2-4 days per year (12). Increases in heavy precipitation events will also increase annual runoff (2). 

    Annual precipitation projections show large regional differences and a wide range of potential differences” (1)


    Figure 4.3: "Under an intermediate (RCP4.5) scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase for much of the US (a), except for the Southwest, Hawai'i, and the US Caribbean (not shown; see Figure 23.2, which shows rainfall reductions of about 10% by midcentury, and increases in dry days during the wet season, for Puerto Rico). The wettest and driest 20% of projections (b, c) illustrate the range of uncertainty in annual precipitation projections. This figure shows projected changes in inches. In the Southwest, a half-inch change in annual precipitation has more influence on the region's hydrology than does a half-inch change in the Northeast (see Figure 2.10 for percent changes under different warming levels). Projections are not available for the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Decreasing snowpack will affect both surface water availability and groundwater resources, increasing pressure on water resources (12).
  • A decrease in peak streamflow has been observed in Wyoming, which is a proxy for flooding; this may reduce pressure from floods, but comes with increased pressure from aridity and increased temperatures (12). Localized droughts are projected to increase by 2040 and widespread regional droughts are projected to increase by 2070 (12).
  • Reduced flows in the Colorado River Basin will occur due to warming, although floods and increased runoff are possible in certain locations (12). Climate effects on watersheds will be amplified by both "gradual and episodic" stressors (9). 

    Projected changes in runoff vary across the Nation due to projected changes in multiple aspects of the water cycle” (1)


    Figure 4.7: "Rivers and streams aggregate runoff across watersheds, and runoff integrates climate change impacts to the water cycle (Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6); as a result, impacts to runoff over a watershed are commonly used as surrogates for impacts to streamflow. Under an intermediate scenario (RCP4.5), projections of annual runoff vary geographically depending on relative changes to precipitation, evapotranspiration, snow and ice, groundwater, and soil moisture. Decreases are projected in Hawai'i and parts of the Nation supplied by snow (a). Projections are not available for US-Affiliated Pacific Islands or the US Caribbean; however, given projected decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature in the Caribbean, annual runoff is expected to decrease. The range between the wettest (b) and driest (c) projections illustrate the uncertainty in runoff projections. Figure credit: University of Colorado Boulder, NOAA NCEI, and CISESS NC" (1).


  • Soil moisture may increase in southwestern Wyoming, contrary to the rest of the NGP region (12).
  • Water quality will also be impacted; excess nutrient flow from agricultural and industrial runoff is "expected to be exacerbated by climate change" (13). 

    Climate change threatens the quality of freshwater supplies” (3)


    Figure 4.2: "Changes in ambient temperature, sea level, and rainfall (top) can create climate-related hazards, such as changes in water temperature and saltwater intrusion (middle) that can have negative impacts on water quality (bottom). Saltwater intrusion is an imminent threat to coastal and island communities dependent on groundwater for dinking water (KMs 30.1, 9.2); agricultural areas face risks to water supplies when fertilizers and pesticides are mobilized by flooding; higher temperatures are putting many areas at risk of exposure to harmful algal blooms (e.g., KM 22.2) and increases in fecal coliform bacteria; and treatment plants are challenged by sediments and debris from wildfires in their source waters (KM 6.1). Adapted from Nijhawan and Howard 2022 [CC BY 4.0]" (3).


  • Forest water resources are frequently tied to extreme events, such as floods, droughts, and wildfire; following fires, water quality severely decreases as runoff of sediments, metals, and other potential pollutants are discharged into downstream water sources (6, 7). Warming and changes in precipitation affect wildlife, forest ecosystems, and water availability (7). 
  • Disproportionate impacts on water resources will be felt by Tribal and rural communities, depending on "economic sector, access to water resources, ability to irrigate, reliance on electricity, and socioeconomic status" (3, 4).

    How are communities addressing these changes?

  • Communities in the NGP have improved monitoring systems to make more informed water management decisions (15). 
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with state climate offices, is forming a soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network to increase data availability (15).
  • The Upper Colorado River Commission (UCRC) may implement a demand-management program in some NGP states that would compensate users for voluntarily reducing water consumption (15). The excess water would be "stored in federal reservoirs and released [elsewhere] when needed" (15).
  • Watershed and irrigation groups are considering collaborative strategies to share water management and manage water resources for a variety of needs (15).
  • Nature-based solutions (NBSs), or “ecosystem-based mitigation and adaptation opportunities,” are another pathway for adapting management practices to climate change; when NBSs are “managed in collaboration with affected communities and… local knowledge,” these can be effective solutions for addressing multiple management goals in an inclusive, cost-effective method (10). Ecosystem-based adaptations, a type of NBS, have been used in solutions such as “protecting and restoring floodplains to help reduce flood impacts or helping farmers cope with drought through soil conservation measures” (10). 
  • Trade-offs will be necessary as climate change affects available water resources; for example, communities in the Northern Great Plains will need to move towards “water-conservative and nutrient-retentive land cover” (14). 