Advisory Committee (AC)

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) convenes the NC CASC Advisory Committee to guide implementation of our regional program activities. The AC is composed of representation from DOI bureaus, Federal partners, State resource management agencies, and Tribal governments.

The NC CASC listens to the AC members' management priorities and science needs to guide the development of our science strategy, annual funding decisions, and other support services we may offer such as syntheses, tool development, and trainings. In addition, collaborative discussion amongst members of the AC helps facilitate inter-agency communication and awareness of regional climate adaptation research and implementation activies. Prior to 2023, the commitee was convened jointly with the USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub, which is reflected in meeting notes and products from that period.

If your agency or Tribe is interested in engaging with the AC, please contact Aparna Bamzai-Dodson.

Current AC Members:

Bureau of Indian Affairs: Diane Mann-Klager

Bureau of Land Management: David Wood

Fish and Wildlife Service: John Guinotte; Kris Metzger

National Park Service: Tom Oliff (alt: Pam Benjamin)

U.S. Geological Survey: Joe Casola; Josh Valder; Kevin Whalen

Environmental Protection Agency: Elizabeth Ulrich (alt: Andrew Wynne)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Doug Kluck 

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Shelley Crausbay; Linh Hoang; Dannele Peck

State of Colorado: Angela Boag

State of Kansas: Daren Riedle

State of Montana: Justin Gude; Mike Downey

State of Wyoming: Luke Schultz (alt: Paul Dey)

Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation: Mike Durglo

Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation: Paula Antoine

Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation: Bart Powaukee; Luana Thompson