

John Bradford, Research Ecologist, US Geological Survey, Martin Holdrege, ORISE Postdoctoral Research & USGS Affiliate, Daniel Schlaepfer, Senior Scientist Northern Arizona University & USGS Affiliate


Geoff Bedrosian, Sagebrush Science Coordinator, US Fish and Wildlife Service


Robin Hextrum, Regis University


Jim Zelenak, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Helena, Montana, John Guinotte, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lakewood, Colorado


Catherine Jarnevich, USGS Fort Collins Science Center


Lindsey Krank, Humane Society of the United States - Wildlife


Stephen Handler, USDA Forest Service and Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Dr. Benjamin Zuckerberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jacy Bernath-Plaisted, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Dr. Drew Bennett and Max Lewis, Haub School of Environment & Natural Resources, University of Wyoming


Dr. Meagan Oldfather, NC CASC and USGS


Dr. Caitlin Rottler, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center


Dr. Christine Miller Hesed and Dr. Heather Yocum, NC CASC


Katie Clifford, Western Water Assessment, Amanda Cravens, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corrie Knapp, University of Wyoming


Philimon Two Eagle, Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, Paula Wopilawan Antoine, Sicangu Oyate Land Office, Robin O'Malley, Robin O'Malley, LLC (formerly USGS Director of the NC CASC)


Wynne Moss, USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center


Dr. Jilmarie Stephens, CU Boulder


Dr. Jeff Martin, West River Research and Extension Center


Dr. William Travis, NC CASC


David Lawrence, National Park Service 


Katherine Hegewisch, University of California Merced, John Guinotte, Alexandra Kasdin and Aimee Crittendon, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society


Crystal Stiles, NIDIS, Doug Luck, NOAA, Nathan Edwards, South Dakota State University


Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society, Paul Dey, Wyoming Game & Fish Department


Dr. Keith Musselman, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado Boulder


Doug Kluck, NOAA, Mark Junker, Sac and Fox of MO in NE & KS, Crystal Stiles, NOAA-NIDIS
