New Publications Supported by the NC CASC

New Publications Supported by the NC CASC


Below is a list of recent publications that were supported by the NC CASC:


Weather affects post-fire recovery of sagebrush-steppe communities and model transferability among sites

Ecosphere, April 2021, Funded by NC CASC


The impact of production network economies on spatially-contiguous conservation– Theoretical model with evidence from the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. 

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, May 2021, Funded by NC CASC


Increased burning in a warming climate reduces carbon uptake in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem despite productivity gains

Journal of Ecology, November 2020, Funded by NC CASC


Runoff response to directional land cover change across reference basins in the conterminous United States

Advances in Water Resources, July 2021, Gabriel Senay


Recent Climate Changes Across the Great Plains and Implications for Natural Resource Management Practices

Rangeland Ecology and Management, May 2021, Funded by NC CASC


Operational Global Actual Evapotranspiration: Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination

Sensors, March 2020, Gabriel Senay


Tracking rates of postfire conifer regeneration vs. deciduous vegetation recovery across the western United States

Ecological Applications, October 2020, Funded by NC CASC


Evaluation of hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program using Landsat satellite data

Hydrological Processes, January 2020, Funded by NC CASC