New R-Shiny Apps Now Available

New R-Shiny Apps Now Available


Two new R-shiny apps are now available for analysis of large-scale drivers of regional precipitation to inform regional water availability. The "Precipitation Clustering" app uses gridded precipitation data across the CONUS (Contiguous United States) to allow users to interactively explore and analyze precipitation data, including clustering analysis to identify regions with similar precipitation profiles, and examine the large-scale moisture transport and ocean surface temperatures associated with specific regional precipitation variability. The "IVT World" app includes visualization and analysis of Integrated Vapor Transport (IVT) data on a global scale, allowing users to explore atmospheric moisture transport patterns through interactive maps, time series analysis, and data on moisture fluxes. Explore more on our Climate Science Support Platform.

These apps were developed as part of the 2023 Rapid Climate Assessment Program (RCAP) – learn more about the program and look for more upcoming resources here!