Joint Stakeholder Committee (JSC) Listening Session on Grasslands





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The NC CASC and USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub will hold a series of topic-based listening sessions with the Joint Stakeholder Committee (JSC) and their team members. The JSC provides guidance, coordination, and collaboration to these two unique but complementary entities and helps facilitate communication and awareness for federally funded climate research.

The next listening session will be held August 26th from 9:00-11:00am MDT and will be on the future of grasslands management. Dr. Christy Miller Hesed (NC CASC, CU Boulder) and Dr. Toni Klemm (USDA) will be presenting on the vulnerability and management of grassland ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains. The goal of these presentations is to help stimulate conversations among participants about the challenges and concerns of around climate change and grasslands management, as well as adaptation options.

1. Participants will learn about a climate-related science topic relevant to their region.
2. Participants will share the management challenges and concerns they have surrounding climate change, resource management, and adaptation.
3. The DOI North Central CASC and USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub will listen and learn from our partners and stakeholders.

Discussion Questions for Listening Session #2: Future of Grasslands Management

Below are a few optional pre-work questions around your climate-related management priorities to consider prior to the session:

* What's keeping you up at night regarding grasslands management?
* What is your organization or tribe doing regarding grasslands management?
* How robust are these plans or actions (from previous question) to future climate change?
* In a more focused future conversation, who would you want to talk to and about what?
* What else do you wish the NC CASC and Northern Plains Climate Hub were thinking about?

The JSC Listening Session is open to all who are interested in grasslands management!

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