The Grasslands-Climate Workshop

The Grasslands-Climate Workshop


On January 24-25, 2023 a number of US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) staff and partners working on grassland conservation met in person in Lakewood, CO for the Grasslands-Climate Workshop. This workshop was collaboratively organized by the North Central CASC, Northwest CASC, South Central CASC, and the US FWS to equip US FWS with tools and practice in incorporating considerations of climate change into management decisions. The workshop used a broad Learn-Do-Reflect approach and included information delivery, hands-on tool training, peer-to-peer networking, and a scenario-based exercise. Imtiaz Rangwala of the North Central CASC presented on the use of the Climate Toolbox. The workshop focused on Central North American Grasslands (Tallgrass, Northern Mixed Grass, Central Mixed Grass and Shortgrass Ecoregions and the Sagebrush-Grassland Ecotone) with some relevance to southern and montane grassland systems. This in-person workshop followed four recorded web-based training modules that can be viewed here.