High Plains Regional Climate Center survey on Climate Normals data
Greetings from the High Plains Regional Climate Center!
As you all may know, the current Climate Normals period is coming to an end soon. This means that an update will be developed and released in the not so distant future.
In preparation for this release, the High Plains Regional Climate Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is working with the National Centers for Environmental Information to understand the needs of the people that use Climate Normals data. We have developed an informal survey so that you can let us know which variables, time scales, and delivery options are the most critical to you. Most importantly, you can also let us know if you have any unmet needs concerning Normals data.
The data collected from this survey will be used to guide the development of the new Normals and, potentially, future work. If you are interested in participating in this brief, anonymous survey, please click on the link below:
https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3K3abyvR2ih9bGl (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ssp.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F3K3abyvR2ih9bGl&d=DwMFaQ&c=Cu5g146wZdoqVuKpTNsYHeFX_rg6kWhlkLF8Eft-wwo&r=3nUqufKhtgDODWGbpUNEMA&m=cTaWtiiACc-y_qHe7-kVDODdv8hD-WQQM0Q5Xxk45BQ&s=4Gn9yHhbWzEQqzq7wrzH6BCRcVgzEcL9Mu_sQNKXNgY&e=)
The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the survey or would like to discuss your needs further, please let us know.
Also, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would have an interest in the new Climate Normals. The survey will be open through September 30. Apologies in advance for any cross postings.
Thank you for your consideration,
Natalie Umphlett and Crystal Stiles