James Rattling Leaf, Sr. represents NC CASC on visit to Capitol Hill

James Rattling Leaf, Sr. represents NC CASC on visit to Capitol Hill


James Rattling Leaf, Sr. (NC CASC Tribal Engagement Specialist/ CIRES Tribal Advisor) and Heather Bené (CU Associate Vice President of Research and Federal Policy) visited Capitol Hill on March 13, 2024 to share key NC CASC messages and efforts with the Appropriations Staff committee. Bené and Rattling Leaf, Sr. met with senators and representatives from Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado; representatives were interested in cross-institution projects and sagebrush ecosystems. In addition, Bené and Rattling Leaf, Sr. met with other CASCs in attendance, and discussed Tribal activities and engagement. We hope visits like these can build and strengthen relationships between the NC CASC and our states’ representatives, and provide decision makers with insight into our climate adaptation work.