New RCAP synthesis publication on climate change in high-elevation ecosystems
In the summer of 2023, Meagan Oldfather and Alyson Ennis led a project in the NC CASC’s Rapid Climate Assessment Program (RCAP) titled “Synthesis of Climate Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems in the North Central Region.” Over the summer, the project team reviewed literature on climate change impacts and adaptation actions in alpine ecosystems to address the question: “What are the knowledge gaps for climate change responses within this ecosystem that limit the ability of natural resource managers to perform successful climate change adaptation?”
The results of this RCAP are described in a new synthesis paper: “Climate change impacts and adaptation in U.S. Rocky Mountain high-elevation ecosystems”!
Project Team: Meagan Oldfather (NC CASC/ USGS), Alyson Ennis (NC CASC Graduate Research Assistant/ CU Boulder), Brian Miller (NC CASC/ USGS), Kyra Clark-Wolf (NC CASC/ CU Boulder), Imtiaz Rangwala (NC CASC/ CU Boulder), Hailey Robe (NC CASC/ CU Boulder), and Caitlin Littlefield (Conservation Science Partners)