RISCC Management Network Announces Career Opportunity for Cross-RISCC Interaction

RISCC Management Network Announces Career Opportunity for Cross-RISCC Interaction


The Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management network (risccnetwork.org) aims to reduce the compounding effects of invasive species and climate change by synthesizing relevant science, communicating the needs of managers to researchers, building stronger scientist-manager communities, and conducting priority research.

The RISCC Management network, in collaboration with the National Invasive Species Council, is seeking a Fellow to conduct research at the intersection of climate science and invasive species management to contribute to prioritizing management action in the face of global change across the U.S.  As a member of the RISCC network, the Fellow will collaborate in stakeholder-driven research and engage in actionable science and science communication that serves the network.

For more information about the position, including the application process, go to: USGS Fellowship on Climate Change and Invasive Species Research Prioritization