Western Water Assessment webinar: Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology, Part 3: Current Understanding of Processes, Patterns, and Variability

Western Water Assessment webinar: Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology, Part 3: Current Understanding of Processes, Patterns, and Variability


Western Water Assessment webinar: Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology, Part 3: Current Understanding of Processes, Patterns, and Variability

Join Western Water Assessment's Jeff Lukas and Liz Payton for a presentation about the fundamental features of the Colorado River Basin’s hydroclimate, their spatial and temporal variability, and the mechanisms behind that variability.

This third installment in the Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report webinar series will focus on Chapter 2, which covers moisture sources, storm tracks, seasonality of precipitation, the influence of topography and elevation, snowmelt, groundwater, mechanisms of variability, and recent trends. After summarizing the current understanding in these areas, Jeff will conclude with research challenges and opportunities, followed by Q&A.

The Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report was conceived and commissioned by a group of federal, state, and local water agencies working to advance scientific understanding in the Colorado River Basin. By serving as a common knowledge base and identifying challenges and opportunities, the report is intended to support ongoing efforts to improve near-term forecasts and longer-term projections of water supply and system conditions, and also inform broader discussions about planning for the basin's water future.

Sep 29, 2020 11:00 AM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Register here: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V7fluNGBSoyZkHO_CTneDw