This article, reproduced here from the NPS website, showcases a collaboration between the National Park Service, the USGS, the NC CASC, and Devil's Tower National Monument. Photo courtesy of the NPS, Avery Locklear
This report [8.5 MB PDF] introduces scenario planning as a climate change adaptation tool, then describes how it was applied to Devils Tower National Monument in the context of a first-of-its-kind, pilot project to dovetail scenario planning with NPS Resource Stewardship Strategy (RSS) development. An RSS is a long-range planning tool for a National Park Service unit to achieve its desired natural and cultural resource conditions, and therefore can benefit from a flexible tool for working with climate change uncertainty. This report documents the climate-resource scenario development part of the overall process and complements RSS supplemental guidance that draws on lessons from the Devils Tower project to describe how to incorporate climate change scenario planning outcomes into an RSS.