
Job Opportunities

NC CASC Seeks Postdoc for Wildfire Research

The NC CASC is seeking a postdoctoral scholar to conduct wildfire research, "Understanding and Managing Changing Wildfire Risk".


New Project: Anticipating Forest Vulnerability to Fire-Catalyzed Ecosystem Change

Principal Investigator Dr. Phil Higuera at University of Montana is leading a new project, “Anticipating forest vulnerability to fire-catalyzed ecosystem change.”


USGS Project Proposals Selected, Details Coming Soon

In November 2019, the USGS released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to members of the NC CASC consortium or USGS scientists for proposed science projects related to high-priority natural or cultural resource management issues that can benefit from science to support climate-informed planning and adaptation management.


Blog Post for New Paper About Fire as a Fundamental Ecological Process

A new paper, “Fire as a Fundamental Ecological Process: Research Advances and Frontiers” (co-authored by Phil Higuera and Jennifer Balch) was recently covered in the Journal of Ecology’s Blog.


NC CASC welcomes Nicole DeCrappeo as new USGS Director

Nicole DeCrappeo is the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Director of the Northwest and North Central Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) and brings a strong research background, proven leadership skills and a deep commitment to advancing the state of climate adaptation science and practice.


USGS hires NAGT summer intern

USGS has hired Indigo Bannister, a masters student at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a virtual summer intern, starting in June.


Upcoming Webinar: Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology State of the Science

Join Western Water Assessment's Jeff Lukas and Liz Payton for an overview of the recently released report, "Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science," followed by Q&A.


Interview with James Rattling Leaf Sr: How the Earth Observation Community can learn from Indigenous Peoples and a Lakota worldview

James Rattling Leaf Sr., the NC CASC's Consultant to the Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance, was interviewed by Diana Mastracci for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).


New research uses tree ring data to assess drought severity in the Missouri River Basin

A newly-published article, partially funded by the North Central CASC and co-authored by Alaska CASC scientists Stephen Gray and Jeremy Littell, examined data collected from tree-rings to reconstruct historic natural streamflows and aid drought management and adaptation planning efforts in the Upper Missouri River Basin.


NC CASC and Earth Lab release Drought Index Portal

NC CASC and Earth Lab have recently released the Drought Index Portal (DrIP) through the University of Colorado, Boulder. DrIP is a web analytic resource to display, compare, and extract time series for various indicators of drought in the contiguous United States.