

New R package: Climate Futures Toolbox

The NC CASC has released a new R package, Climate Futures Toolbox, with the goal to provide easy access to downscaled climate projections data (MACA) to support climate change analysis and scenario planning.

Job Opportunities

NC CASC seeks National Park Service Research Assistant

The NC CASC is looking to hire a National Park Service Research Assistant.


Western Water Assessment releases major report on state of the science and practice for the Colorado River

Western Water Assessment Director and NC CASC PI Lisa Dilling, along with fellow scientists at Western Water Assessment, released a major report on the state of the science and practice for the Colorado River.


Upcoming workshop: Scenario planning in Dinosaur National Monument

NC CASC scientists Brian Miller and Imtiaz Rangwala are currently preparing for an upcoming virtual workshop, May 5-6.


Monitoring and Predicting Drought on our Grasslands

An article, "Monitoring and Predicting Drought on our Grasslands" by NC CASC scientist Imtiaz Rangwala has been featured in Grasslands News, the USDA’s National Grasslands Council’s Spring 2020 Newsletter.


New publication: Advances in Remote Sensors For Earth Observation and Modeling of Earth Processes

USGS scientist Gabriel Senay and others have published a paper on the operational global actual evapotranspiration (ET) product that has been used by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network for use in drought monitoring and early warning applications since 2014.


New Project: Synthesis of Climate Impacts and Adaptation on Grassland Ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains

Heather Yocum, NC CASC Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Lead, has launched a new project on the climate impacts and adaptations on grassland ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains.


State of knowledge on pinyon-juniper communities

The USGS has released a new handout on the state of knowledge on pinyon-juniper (PJ) communities.


CSP’s Priya Nanjappa appointed to serve on the Wildlife Stamp Habitat Committee in CO

Priya Nanjappa, Director of Operations, Conservation Science Partners (CSP) was recently appointed by Colorado Governor Jared Polis to serve on the Wildlife Stamp Habitat Committee for the state of Colorado.


Funding opportunity: WCS Climate Adaptation Fund 2020 Request for Proposals

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is pleased to announce a new round of grantmaking through its Climate Adaptation Fund, a program that supports projects that implement effective interventions for wildlife and ecosystem adaptation to climate change.