Report: Climate Change Scenario Planning for Resource Stewardship: Applying a Novel Approach in Devils Tower National Monument
NC CASC ecologist, Brian Miller, partnered with NPS to publish a report on scenario planning as a climate change adaptation tool in Devils Tower National Monument. One of the first of its kind, it worked with NPS to develop a Resource Stewardship Strategy (RSS).
National Park Service staff, with support from NC CASC, outline how protected places can adapt to a changing climate
NPS and NC CASC have been collaborating to forward climate-informed park planning. NPS staff outline “Repeatable approaches to work with scientific uncertainty and advance climate change adaptation in US national Parks” in the January edition of Park Stewardship Forum.
USGS researchers and colleagues identify potential maladaptive climate response in riparian systems
USGS researchers, looking to understand how climate may affect riparian tree regeneration, outline how warming temperatures may lead to asynchrony in the timing of riparian seed release compared to when there is either sufficient moisture or when there are areas free from flood scour necessary for successful recruitment.