Jennifer Balch featured on KUNC podcast, Colorado Edition: Feeling the Heat
NC CASC University Director Jennifer Balch talks wildfires and climate change on KUNC's Colorado Edition: Feeling the Heat.
How Bad is the Smoke? Current Fires and Air Quality Resources: Top 10 ways to get up-to-date information on fires and air quality
NC CASC team members partnered with Earth Lab and CIRES partners to compile a list of resources on current fires and air quality.
CPR News: Colorado Wildfires Are Climate Change ‘In The Here And Now’ — And A Sign Of Summers To Come
NC CASC University Director Jennifer Balch quoted in CPR News, "Colorado Wildfires Are Climate Change ‘In The Here And Now’ — And A Sign Of Summers To Come".
AP News: Science Says: Climate change, people stoke California fires
NC CASC University Director Jennifer Balch is quoted in AP News article about climate change, California wildfires.
Executive Summary Released for Mountain Goat Project
NC CASC’s Imtiaz Rangwala worked with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks on a Structured Design Making Process to develop recommendations for the future management of mountain goats in the state.
NC CASC Hosts Tribal Climate Leaders Program Welcome Event
On August 11, the NC CASC held a virtual event to welcome the Tribal Climate Leaders to CU. This event was designed to allow the four incoming and one returning graduate students to introduce themselves to each other and to the wider NC CASC community, and for us to introduce the students to some of the additional programs and resources on campus to support their scholarly, professional, and personal growth.
New Publications from NC CASC Projects
Several papers were recently published from NC CASC projects.
LERI Tool Featured in "Dry Times"
Landscape Evaporative Response Index (LERI), a tool used to remotely-sense high-resolution information of the evaporative response from the land in near real time, is featured in the August 13th edition of Dry Times, a bi-monthly newsletter from NIDIS.
NC CASC Hires New Research Assistant, Brecken Robb
The NC CASC is proud to welcome a new research assistant, Brecken Robb. She will serve as a resource for the National Park Service's Climate Change Response Program in the development of climate-resource scenarios.
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