Jennifer Balch makes the media rounds to talk wildfires, smoke, climate change
As large fires blaze across the landscape of the American west, NCCASC University Director Jennifer Balch has been fielding numerous media requests for her expertise in wildfire science.
Workshop on climate change scenario planning for the Apostle Islands NP
From September 21-25, Brian Miller, NC CASC/USGS Research Ecologist, along with Danika Mosher and Brecken Robb from the NPS Climate Change Response Program and Denver Service Center, are co-facilitating a remote workshop on climate change scenario planning for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
New publication: The role of economic returns in land use change: Evidence from farm-level data in the US Northern Great Plains
New publication on project funded by the NC CASC: M. Doidge, D. A. Hennessy, and H. Feng, “The role of economic returns in land use change: Evidence from farm-level data in the US Northern Great Plains."
Version 0.3.0 of the Climate Futures Toolbox (CFT) R package
The Climate Futures Toolbox (CFT) R package which provides easy and robust access to MACA climate data has reached version 0.3.0.
High Plains Regional Climate Center survey on Climate Normals data
As you all may know, the current Climate Normals period is coming to an end soon. This means that an update will be developed and released in the not so distant future.
Molly Cross, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), provides a summary about the
online workshop she held with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD),
related to their collaborative effort to incorporate climate change information
and adaptation strategies into the 2020 revision of the WY Statewide Habitat
Plan. In addition to supporting climate‐informed decisions by WGFD, this project
is also designed to be a learning opportunity on methods and approaches to coproducing
and co‐synthesizing climate science that is relevant and used in
management decisions. Molly shares some of the content of what was discussed
(related to the WY Statewide Habitat Plan), in addition to her experience doing
co‐production work in a virtual setting.
Max Joseph of the NC CASC and Earth Lab provides an overview of the Climate Futures Toolbox, a new
tool developed by the NC CASC.
About the CFT:
Managers and climate impacts researchers face multiple pain points when trying to use climate
projection data: discovery, access, and usage. There are multiple global climate model repositories
(CMIP3, CMIP5), multiple downscaling techniques (MACA, BCSD, LOCA), and multiple file formats. Each
product has different spatio‐temporal resolutions, different climate variables, and different limitations.
The investigator team proposed to develop and implement the Climate Futures Toolbox (CFT), a
seamless R‐code workflow to ingest historic and projected climate data and generate summary
information and customizable graphics for user‐defined time periods and regions of interest.
Project goals include: creating a lower barrier to entry for climate data consumers that use R;
automating scenario planning data tasks; empowering a larger user community; and reducing potential
for errors.
The investigator team was committed from the start to creating the CFT as an open‐source and openworkflow
tool and to engaging management partners directly in the tool design. We hope that this
contributes to the lifetime of the tool by allowing others to contribute future code to summarize climate
data in new and different ways as user needs evolve and new data become available.
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