CASC Presentations at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

Scientists from the NC CASC will present at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting

NC CASC USGS Deputy Director to chair session at American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

NC CASC USGS Deputy Director Aparna Bamzai-Dodson will chair the session "PA14B: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Drought and Drought Decisions" at the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

CIRES Special Seminar: Dr. Jennifer Balch, "The Human Imprint on Modern Fire Regimes"

Dr. Balch's research aims to understand the patterns and processes that underlie disturbance and ecosystem recovery, particularly how people are shifting fire regimes and the consequences. There are three ingredients needed for fire: fuel to burn, hot & dry conditions, and an ignition source.

National CASC Network

The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC) is one of nine Climate Adaptation Science Centers across the nation. Together, the national network serves the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands. Like the NC CASC, each regional center is a federal-university partnership comprised of a host university, a multi-institution consortium of regional partners, and USGS staff and scientists.