New Publication: Murky waters: divergent ways scientists, practitioners, and landowners evaluate beaver mimicry

A new publication by NC CASC team members and others examines beaver mimicry as a conservation technique to restore streams and manage water that is gaining popularity within the natural resource management community because of a wide variety of claimed socio-environmental benefits. Despite a growing number of projects, many questions and concerns about beaver mimicry remain.

NPS Climate Change Response Program and NC CASC Partner on Climate Change Scenario Planning Presentation

The NPS Climate Change Response program and NC CASC are partnering to deliver a presentation "Participatory Climate Change Scenario Planning: A standard approach, application guidelines, and management outcomes from a decade of research and development with US national parks" as part of the "Climate Change Adaptation: Information Exchange in Southern and Eastern Africa’s Protected Areas" webinar series, whose intent is to share climate change-related priority issues, best practices, guidance, and tools.

NC CASC Webinar Series: Tools for developing reproducible climate futures for resource planning

Please join us for the next NC CASC webinar on Thursday, April 14, 2022, 11a -12p MDT:


Tools for developing reproducible climate futures for resource planning


Presented by: 

David Lawrence, National Park Service 

Amber Runyon, National Park Service

Other co-authors:

John Gross, National Park Service

Gregor Schuurman, National Park Service

Brian Miller, U.S. Geological Survey, North Central CASC

Joel Reynolds, National Park Service


Presented by:  David Lawrence, National Park Service  Amber Runyon, National Park Service Other co-authors: John Gross, National Park Service Gregor Schuurman, National Park Service Brian Miller, U.S. Geological Survey, North Central CASC Joel Reynolds, National Park Service Please register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.   Abstract: When trying to adapt to a changing climate, with all the inherent uncertainties about how the future may play out, resource managers often turn to scenario planning as a tool.  Managers use scenario planning to explore plausible ways the climate may change, allowing them to work with climate change uncertainty rather than being paralyzed by it.  Once identified, scenarios of the future are used to develop proactive measures to prepare for and adapt to scenarios of change.   A key part of scenario planning is generating a list of potential future climates we may experience.  This webinar will describe and compare different approaches to generate the climate futures and identify an approach that captures a broad range of climate conditions (a key ingredient to developing scenarios) across both near and long-term planning horizons.  We then will describe tools for creating reproducible climate futures, including an R package and training materials that enables users to develop their own projections, and provide guidance on their use.  Over the past decade, we have operationalized the generation of climate futures and with the recent development of the Reproducible Climate Futures (RCF) R package, standardized and streamlined their production.  We have found climate futures and scenarios offer an adaptable approach to planning across a broad range of management contexts.    About the speakers: David Lawrence specializes in aquatic ecology and has worked as a climate change scientist within the National Park Service Climate Change Response Program since 2017.  In this role David conducts and translates climate change research to support forward-looking land and water management.  David has a PhD in ecology from the University of Washington.  Amber Runyon is an ecologist for the National Park Service Climate Change Response Program where she collaborates with park managers to provide management-relevant projections of future-climate that serve as the basis for climate-informed planning. Amber has a PhD in ecology from Colorado State University.  

Heather Yocum Represents NC CASC at Chancellors Annual Summit, "Working to Forge a Just and Sustainable Future"


WCS Climate Adaptation Fund Announces 2022 Request for Proposals

NC CASC Consortium Partner Wildlife Conservation Society's Climate Adaptation Fund has released its request for proposals for the 2022 grant cycle. This program supports projects that advance learning and scale effective climate adaptation interventions to help wildlife, ecosystems, and people. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 8, 2022. All application information and materials are posted here.