The Decline of the Western Bumble Bee

The western bumble bee was once common in western North America, but increasing temperatures, drought, and pesticide use have contributed to a 57% decline in the occurrence of this species in its historical range. NC CASC climate lead, Dr. Imtiaz Rangwala, is a co-author on this new U.S. Geological Survey-led study. 

Welcome to Dr. Kyra Clark-Wolf!

The NC CASC is happy to welcome postdoctoral associate, Dr. Kyra Clark-Wolf! She is studying ecological transformation in a context of changing climate and disturbance regimes. Kyra’s research interests integrate perspectives from paleoecology, fire ecology, and ecosystem ecology.

NC CASC Research Reel

The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center strives to help natural and cultural resource managers use actionable and open data, tools, and innovative science and information to make climate-informed decisions that support resilient ecosystems.

Congratulations to Will Crawford!

Congratulations to Will Crawford who successfully defended his Masters thesis on Monday! His project, "Dak̇od Wóokaḣniġe Ohna Ṫípsiŋna Awaŋyakapi" (Protecting Prairie Turnips Through Traditional Dakota Wisdom and Understanding) was a model for how to do relevant research that benefits his Tribe and adds to our collective wisdom.

Forest Recovery Following Severe Fires

In a new study that examines the severity of fires in combination with hotter and drier conditions plaguing the Western United States, researchers are “seeing the forest for the trees.” Using information from 334 wildfires and 10,000 field plots, collected by more than 50 research teams, this new study, led by NC CASC affiliate Dr. Kim Davis has uncovered a pattern.

Climate Champion: Dr. Aparna Bamzai-Dodson

Dr. Aparna Bamzai-Dodson with the USGS North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center uses social science to tease apart how people make decisions when planning for and adapting to climate change.

The Grasslands Synthesis Project

The Grasslands Synthesis Project focuses on understanding how climate change and variability impacts grassland ecosystems and their management in the 21st century. We invite you to check out the new page:

The Prairie Climate Companion: Water Availability

The Grasslands Synthesis Project focuses on understanding how climate change and variability impacts grassland ecosystems and their management in the 21st century. We invite you to check out the next edition of "The Prairie Climate Companion", which focuses on water availability.

The Prairie Climate Companion: Wild & Prescribed Fire

The Grasslands Synthesis Project focuses on understanding how climate change and variability impacts grassland ecosystems and their management in the 21st century. We invite you to check out the next edition of "The Praire Climate Companion", which focuses on wild and prescribed fire.

The Prairie Pothole Region

During the month of May, Dr. Imtiaz Rangwala, climate science lead at the NC CASC, visited US Fish and Wildlife partners at refuges in the Prairie Pothole region of the US, participated in a four-square-mile pond survey, and facilitated a workshop on climate scenario planning.